We regret you are having trouble with the latest update and truly appreciate the five star rating. Would you mind posting a support thread with some details about your configuration (WordPress version, theme, plugins, URL) so we can assist? Thanks in advance.
Did you have any success getting the settings to appear? Just wanted to follow up to make certain everything turned out well for you. Keep us posted by posting a response here or open up a support thread. Thanks.
Certainly. We think you are on the right track with the theme compatibility.
It seems ClearFocus includes a version of prettyPhoto gallery lightbox which is operational on the album page you provided in addition to RPS Image Gallery. Since the two plugins are closely related, they likely will not play well together. You may be able to deactivate prettyPhoto within the theme options or by contacting the developer to find out how.
To the question of the settings appearing, we would ask you to verify that the latest version of the Redux Framework plugin is installed and active. RPS Image Gallery relies on this plugin to generate its options panel, though it will operate fine without, minus some of the nicer features.
Let us know what you find out and if you would like us to dig in further. Thanks!