Thanks for your question. I understand it to mean that you would like to add the item Title as a caption for the [mla_gallery]
If that’s right, you can use the mla_caption
parameter to accomplish your goal. Try adding something like this to your shortcode:
For more elaborate format enhancements you can define a Custom Markup Template and/or a Custom Style Template. You can find more information in the “Style and Markup Templates” section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have problems or further questions regarding the above suggestions. Note that I am traveling until August 09 and will be unable to respond until I return. Thanks for your patience and your interest in the plugin.
Thank for your answer David,
I did that but the caption is outside the link then.
As I was looking for something really custom I ended writing my own shortcode function.
Thanks and keep the good thing up.
Thanks for your update. I am happy to see you have found a solution that works for your application.
You might find this earlier topic of interest:
Attachment title as link
As I wrote earlier, you can use a custom markup template to render any HTML you want in the [mla_gallery]