Hi @silv3rline,
Could you send me the screenshot with your current Permastructure settings (you can find them in “Tools -> Permalink Manager -> Permastructures) and sample default permalink with Arabic letters:
Please also check what version of the plugin do you use.
Ok, thanks I see it. The problem here is that the post titles are stored inside the database in a HTML-encoded way.
Could you try to decode them to UTF-8 before the post title is sanitized into a slug?
function pm_convert_arabic_entities( $str, $keep_percent_sign, $force_lowercase, $sanitize_slugs ) {
// Check for HTML entities
if ( preg_match( '/&#[0-9]+;/', $str ) ) {
// Convert HTML entities to UTF-8
$str = html_entity_decode( $str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
return $str;
add_filter( 'permalink_manager_pre_sanitize_title', 'pm_convert_arabic_entities', 10, 4 );
I don’t have experience with code sadly.
does the pro version have functionality to fix this?
Like bulk editing posts slugs or something to reflect posts titles as permalinks.