Thanks for reaching out, good to hear that you’re making use of AMP to improve your site’s performance. In relation to amp-analytics
you are correct, Site Kit does deal with your Google Analytics code snippets providing you’ve allowed the plugin to insert your Google Analytics tracking snippets.

From inspecting your site (both AMP and non AMP) I can see the correct Google Analytics snippet placed, so traffic should be reporting. To ensure it’s working as expected have you tried using the Analytics real time report, while also visiting any of your AMP URLs? When visiting your site to check your visit is being recorded please do while not logged in, with the default configuration not including logged in users.
Please let me know once you’ve managed to check your real time report as above.
Ah many thanks. I don’t remember ticking the box but i probably did it automatically. Am glad you can see the code snippet – I only activated site kit yesterday but will try the test you suggest. And let you know my findings…
Thanks you for your help π
Sure, let us know if you run into any issue or find any abnormalities when testing. And yes, the default configuration is to allow Site Kit to insert the snippet.
Just tried your test and it worked – yay – TY so much
No problem at all. Be sure to share your thoughts of the plugins, we’d love to hear your feedback.
Hi there,
I’ve activated Google Site Kit before turn on AMP mode (directly in transitional mode).
Should I turn off GSK and reconnect it because analytics present a significant down (-46%).
I’ve inspected the site with the real time report. I do not see any AMP page.
Ok I do (disconnect – reconnect). It works !
@julien-alibert Glad to hear it’s now working for you.