I found more or less how to do this. I’ll create another one if I have further issues…
Thanks for the prompt reply. Is there any was to distinguish Privately Published verses Published? I would like to send a notification to the event organizer to review prior to publicly publishing and sending out another notification to users.
Unfortunately, not at the moment, but you could use the “Pending review” status and this is what’s covered by our “Sent for review” trigger.
Our reviewers don’t really know how to use the backend of WordPress so I just wanted to be able view the event before it goes public. Do you think this is something you would consider adding?
Thanks for the prompt response.
I think that could be a good idea, we’ll add the “Published Privately” trigger in the next release.
Wow! That’s fantastic! I think others will be able to use it as well!
Any time frame on the next release?
Hopefully, the next week, as we have the update almost ready, just a matter of adding this additional trigger 🙂
Hi, I think I may have found a temporary solution. I can save an event as Scheduled and Private and use the Event Scheduled trigger. And think that will work.
I have a couple of questions,
1) What is the difference between {tribe_events_author_user_display_name} and {tribe_events_scheduling_user_display_name}? Which one is the Organizer?
2) What happens when there is more than one organizer? Does the first one listed get the notification?
Great plugin so far, I haven’t launched it to the organizers yet!
Hi, sorry, there’s a small delay with the update as we’re working on more bug fixes in this release.
1) What is the difference between {tribe_events_author_user_display_name} and {tribe_events_scheduling_user_display_name}? Which one is the Organizer?
Author is the one listed as an author in WordPress, the Scheduling User is the one who edits the post and schedules it.
2) What happens when there is more than one organizer? Does the first one listed get the notification?
Hard to tell as WordPress supports only one author. I’m not sure if the plugin you’re using is mapping the organizer to the Event author or how would it behave. You can use these merge tags in the email body to test what does it render
Hey, the trigger has been released in version 8.0.10!