You can use the following CSS to do that:
.title-area {
visibility: hidden;
And it won’t appear after that. 🙂
Amazing! Please consider leaving a review if you like the theme. 🙂
Could you give me some more info about this? Is it working now or is it still happening? 🙂
I ended up installing a plugin to upload my custom header through to make it clickable and link back to my homepage. The plugin also made my custom header visible on mobile, which I was also having a issue with when I simply uploaded it via the customizer, and made it responsive; my custom header was not responsive when uploaded via the customizer.
Not sure if I’m the only one experiencing these issues with my custom header when uploaded via the customizer or if this needs to be addressed for the next theme update.
Thanks for you help!
With the plugin I installed I had to use the following CSS to hide the site title and tagline:
h1 a {
display: none;
.site-description {
display: none;
If I used the one you provided above, it also hid the custom header I loaded into the plugin.
If more people faced similar issues then I will see what I can do to fix them. And I’m glad that plugin fixed this for you. Please consider leaving a theme review if you like the theme. 🙂