I checked your website: after adding a product to the cart and them removing it in the sidebar I saw a remove from cart event being fired in your GA.
Adding a product to the cart and removing it on the full cart page however does not seem to fire the remove from cart event indeed.
Could you please confirm this kind of behavior?
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Thank you so much for checking this fast! Wow!
When logged in in GA and checking the realtime stats in unfiltered view, there is no sidebar remove from cart event being fired.
I tried to watch in preview mode from GTM, but I cannot see it there either.
The add to cart is fired everywhere. From the category pages as well as the product page.
The remove from cart isn’t fired from the cart page, sidebar and not from the minicart as far as I can tell…
Thanks again!
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Haha, are you testing right now in the cart page? I saw a lot of add to cart events and surprise, surprise, also 37 or so remove from cart events (only from the cart page). I cannot replicate it myself yet, I will try some more….
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I have added over 24 products and removed them from the cart page, sidebar and minicart. I do not see the Remove from cart event triggered.
I do however, have 36 remove from cart events in GA from the cart page. So if you are testing, would you mind telling me what you did so I can try and replicate it?
Thanks, Ella
Who knows, maybe… 😉
Let me know if you made any progress, here in Hungary it is now late evening, I am going to sleep in the next couple of hours 🙂
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Hi Thomas,
Thanks! I have downloaded the file and will test in the morning. I live in The Netherlands and my alarmclock is set at 6 am, so I will have to go to sleep as well. Better to do this stuff ‘fresh’ anyway.
I will let you know in the morning!
Thanks for all your help!
I have same problem. I ready article, but remove from cart is working. Quantity change “+” and “-” is not.
I checked “Network” in developer tools.
It’s triggering something:
but quality of product and price didn’t change.
can this help you? GA screen
Hi Katka,
I checked your site and for me the add to cart event on the product list page and on the product detail page works fine, even if I set a larger quantity.
If I open the mini cart by clicking on the cart icon in the top menu, the remove “x” link does not fire the remove cart event since this part of the page has some custom HTML code.
On the full cart page I had to adapt to the new way WooCommerce 2.6 handles changes.
Please download this file again and upload it to your instance:
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Hi Thomas, I tried the php in your link. It did not work. Do you want me to try the second link?
Both links are the same but if you downloaded the file yesterday, you should download it again as I added some more fix.
Hi duracelltomi,
quality button “+” and “-” on full card page doesn’t work with “update cart”. With that new php file, IT IS WORKING.
But now for some mystery reason, when I change quality on cart page, click update button, buttons “+” and “-” disappear 😀
The disapperaing + / – buttons must be connected with the recent WooCommerce version (2.6) In this version the cart page works different (this is why I needed to update the code as well) as it reloads only part of the page while you press the update cart button.
Please contact the theme developer as they will be able to help you with the disappearing + / – buttons.