Recommend not to use
Recommend not to use. This is a lot of issue causing theme. Issue with jQuery caused bad written theme code. Do not trust this. Poor support which do not resolve issue, they say it is your mistake and they do not care. Waste of time you do not want.. Theme is really slow and not flexible. Issue with apple devices. Scammers
Hi @matejem,
Sorry you were unable to make your setup work for you with OceanWP, but posting false information will not fix things on your website, not even with your new theme of choice.
Let’s recap things quickly:
1. A little less than 3 weeks ago you posted a thread on the forum: your own words, you had problems on your website and the problems appeared only after 15+ reloads of the same page:
Eventually, you stopped responding on the thread and posted about the same issue on our Facebook group, though you have deleted the post in the meantime.
2. You switched themes. I won’t mention which one it is, I can see it clearly. But the problems and the apparent reason for your review here are not gone either.
Example, with OceanWP your homepage was the shop page with some of the custom additions. You were displaying 30 items at once. Considering the loading factor of your items, it’s not a surprise your site was loading slower. That issue did not resolve with the change of themes even though now you have a custom homepage (so less item displayed). The same goes for the shop page, less items, same loading issues.
3. All browser console problems remained, even though you switched themes. Clearly, not a theme issue.
3.1 New theme homepage problem issues, on the first load without even scrolling down:
3.2 New theme shop page problem issues: Even though you have now customized the homepage and use a static one instead of the shop page, both your homepage and shop page on tablet are buggy, get stuck, reload, reload items and even on the first load, so doesn’t need 15+ page reloads to experience the problem:
4.1 Your new theme home and shop page:
4.2 Your OceanWP homepage behavior which you recorded, and again, after 15+ reloads: in all, comparing your own feedback and video material on issues with OceanWP and your new theme, I’d say things have gotten worse because you don’t need 15 reloads to experience problems. Likewise, all the problems you have had are still there, so the issue is not with your new theme of choice either.
5. We absolutely cannot help with everything, no one can, but this is not a theme issue. We’re also not perfect, no one is. Not sure how exactly does that make us “scammers”, especially since you were using the free version only and eventually stopped responding.
6. When something’s a user mistake / issue, there are no other words for that. Doesn’t mean you need to take it personally, we all make mistakes. However, not once were you told that this is a user mistake, and especially not that “it’s your own fault”.
7. OceanWP uses less than 5% of jQuery in the theme alone, and less than 1% if we’re counting in all the plugins we have. WordPress also uses jQuery, but the problem you have is not jQuery from OceanWP, WordPress, WooCommerce or your new theme either.
8. OceanWP is very flexible and expandable, but it also depends how you use things. There will always be some things that you’re unable to make work or achieve the imagined functionality. However, if you were referring to responsiveness aka the apparent problem with OceanWP, your website and tablet devices, we can now see that’s not the case and the issue is there no matter what theme you’re using. And if you add custom items, you are responsible for making them responsive. Which brings me to the next: your website is overflowing on mobile.
To summarize:
1. The issues you have had with OceanWP are still there even with your new theme and the behavior is even worse, which makes this a false info review.
2. The loading time of your shop items has not improved either after changing themes and with OceanWP you didn’t use a static page like you’re doing now:
3. All the jQuery and other browser console issues you have had with OceanWP are still present on your website even after changing themes, which makes this a false info review.
4. You have stopped responding to your own thread, and not once were you told it’s a user mistake or actually blamed for anything, so again a false info review.As mentioned in the beginning, very sorry you were unable to make your setup work with OceanWP (or your new theme by that matter), but posting fake information will not resolve things for you either.
Wishing you the best of luck
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