Quote has wrapper AFTER creating comment. Creation of extra code should be when users WRITE comments. With TinyMCE it is extremely difficult to stop writing blockquote and creating after it extra content.
If there could be automatic additional <p></p> after the closing tag </blockquote>, it would be easy to continue creating extra text. Everybody, who has used quotes have problems with them – I survive, but I don’t like the current situation. It is simply extremely annoying!
Wrapper does not solve the problem. The only way to get result, which is not extremely difficult for most users and for all users irritating is to add P-tags. TinyMCE handle blockquotes so irritating way that there is ni’o other solution for TinyMCE to get quotes to work non-irritating.
I edited front.js and front.min.js and added after </blockquote><p class=”after-quote”><span class=”after-quote”></span></p>.
I added span if editor drop empty P tag. With classes it is possible to set margins uf necessary. Anyway now user don’t need to think how to terminate quote and continue writing his own text.
I hope that designer if the plugin makes correspinding changes.
Sorry for the late reply on this.
The best way to add quote is with the BBCode, it doesn’t add any HTML in the content, it is added later on rendering. Any method for doing this has its downsides, but I only use BBCode method to avoid more issues.