Señalo que la página que dejo, no es la página oficial que necesita ayuda, dejo una captura de los errores
Can you try excluding jQuery from being asynced/ deferred andrygoldcheid ?
Esta siendo exluido, escribo acá los script que tengo en excluir, por favor corregir si tengo un error:
js/jquery/jquery.min.js,, ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.1/jquery.min.js, wp-includes/js, ajax/libs/pdfmake/0.1.53/vfs_fonts.js?ver=6.2.2, assets/ajax/libs/jquery /jquery-3.6.0.min.js, buttons/1.6.1/js/buttons.print.min.js, charts/loader.js,,js/dataTables.buttons.min.js
given the “jQuery is not defined” error something else must be wrong, but as I can’t see the site I cannot begin to guess what is I’m afraid :-/
Podría, darme una lista, de los posibles errores?
the only thing I can think of is that jQuery (which I see multiple times in your list) is loaded from yet another URL, resulting in the exclusions not matching and thus jQuery still being asynced/ deferred?
maybe, just maybe; if you’re currently running “async”, try switching to “defer” mabye? async does not guarantee the order of execution, defer does .. (fingers crossed)
Un segundo, me llamo la atención de lo de otra url. Sabe como puedo buscar si el JQuery carga de otra url?
you’ll have to look through the HTML source for any occurrence of jquery
I’m afraid.
Podría verificar esa capture? Disculpe las molestias ocasionadas, pero si puede ayudarme se lo agradecería mucho
ah, but that’s CSS so irrelevant in this case I’m afraid, you need JS jquery 🙂
OK, I see this in your exclusion list;
assets/ajax/libs/jquery /jquery-3.6.0.min.js
but that _should_ be
instead (so removing the space), can you try that?
(going offline for the next couple of hours, will follow up later today)
Perfecto. Podriamos seguir el hilo más tarde? Para poder hacer la prueba
sure, but but don’t wait for me to test with the space removed 😉