The way in which WordPress has integrated this into the system is befuddling and goes against nearly all of its traditions in the way a library is added. Basically if any field is empty in the feed, you can’t include it (You’ll have to comment those lines out of the script). You can’t if(empty($rss->rss(‘field’))), that throws an error as well which is one of the very few ways we have to error proof our scripts to ensure the field data is there. I of course had to strip these out. You can try to disable the author, it “might” work.
Do me a favor mwillberg,
Backup your mygwd-rss.php file and get it ready for editing.
Add this code between line 38 and line 39 so that this:
$content = null;
$a = shortcode_atts( array(
$content = null;
$debugpath = ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php';
if(file_exists($debugpath)) : $debug = true; else : $debug=false; endif;
$a = shortcode_atts( array(
Then, on line 96(ish), insert this code before return $content;
$content .= 'Path: '.$debugpath.'; '.$debug;
Post here what that output is (you can edit out usernames), I’m curious if your environment is correct. Restore your backup when you are done.
I’m looking for something like: /home/user/public_html/wp-includes/feed.php; 1. If it errors out or there is no true after the ;, we need to look at your WordPress install (or version).
If all is well, and it is simply an author attribute missing, on that feed use auth=0 (with no quotes) to disable the author attribute from being queried.