Actually just for clarification, we can see the formatting is still fine up to where you are calling the deepl_translate function. Still need to look more closely at what happens with the strings in getTranslations.
Rolling back to an older plugin version solved the issue for now.
I encountered a similar problem with the latest version (2.2.2). The translation was failing at seemingly random places, generating an invalid Gutenberg block, and stopping there. It made the plugin unusable.
Rolling back to version 2.1.10 solved the issue.
Which plugin did you used for rollback?
WP rollback doesn’t working here.
It sseems deepl changed the api behavior without notice
working on it
To complete : we still have paragraph structure losted after translation but also a few words are deleted ….
Still have big problems during translation with paragraph and losted words…Any progress please ?
2.3.0 is out and should fix those broken paragraphs errors
@malaiac I am sorry but the problem is still remains…no change.
Could you send me a post_content (raw content) of the post ? my handle at
email sent with another solution to see all details.