Updated Rank Math to Version: 1.0.201
Still having the same issue.
Hello @tarekelnemrawy,
Thank you for contacting Rank Math support.
The SEO score is generated on the page load and since it is saved in the post meta, it activates the Update button. There is nothing to be concerned about as it just makes the update button active and doesn’t affect the update time.
If you are facing issues with the update time then it must be related to something else. Please check your browser’s console and see if any errors are triggered after you update the post. If there are no errors, then you can use the Query Monitor plugin to check if there are any slow queries after updating the post that must be causing the issue.
Let us know how that goes. Looking forward to helping you.
Thank you @rankmathteam for answering.
1- in my working website the console shows:
– While Rank Math Is active, I see this errors:
– When Rank Math is disabled I see this:
2- in the test website, only Rank Math and Twenty Twenty-One theme, The console shows:
– While Rank Math Is active, I see this error:
– When Rank Math is disabled I see this:
I appreciate you explanation, and waiting for possible solution.
Hello @tarekelnemrawy,
Can you please deactivate and uninstall the Rank Math plugin and install a fresh copy after taking a backup? See if that improves the situation. Also, please clear your website cache after installing a new copy of the plugin.
If the issue persists, head over to your WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Status & Tools > System Status and click the “Copy System Info to Clipboard” button, and paste it here so we can further analyze the issue.
Looking forward to helping you.
Assuming you are using the latest version of all the plugins, themes & WordPress and the issue is resolved, we are closing this support topic.
If that is not the case, feel free to open a new support topic or reply to this one, and we will be more than happy to assist.
Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.