Hi @951004vanessa ,
I like this suggestion. Currently, the plugin does not have such an option but I will consider adding it in the next plugin update.
I would like to see the code of the complement, where can I see it?
Hi @951004vanessa ,
This option has just been added in version 1.1.3. Now, when you go to the tour options page, there is a new checkbox that enables you to remove the tour on mobile.
Please note the option is not enabled by default (you need to put the tick on “Hide tour on mobile” checkbox). You will be able to see the option when you update the plugin from plugins => installed pluigins page in the admin dashboard. Cheers!
Hi @nravota12 would it be possible to do the opposite of this? To only show the tour on mobile?
Hi @jmnly ,
This can be done but I might have hard time justifying it, since I want to keep this plugin as simple as possible and not to flood it with lots of functionalities. Why you would want to show a tour only on mobile?