Hi @antonio24073,
Could you please provide us the URL of your form so we can analyze the issues better.
Hi @antonio24073,
Thanks for sharing the link. We noticed that you’ve added custom CSS on your site that hides the submit button. To resolve the issue, please consider removing the following code:
.rm_next_btn {
display: none !important;
Alternatively, you can add the following CSS to ensure the submit button displays correctly:
.rmagic .buttonarea .rm_next_btn {
display: inline-block !important;
Let me know if you need further assistance.
Hi @antonio24073,
We are awaiting your response regarding the CSS solution we provided. Could you please look into that.
Also, to edit the labels for the Address field, you can edit those from the field settings page in the backend. Just click on the labels for these sub-fields, edit them and save the changes.
Hi again,
There is’nt label fields to edit in the field settings of Woocommerce Billing Field. There is some inputs that doesn’t anything.
It’s not a simple css. It’s a compatibility issue. Maybe you isn’t seen it because the litespeed was minifying the css.
I created a clean install with elementor, dynamic visibility for elementor and registrationmagic. It happens the same thing. There is’nt a hidden css.
I installed loco translate too and put some translations. Ignore the other translations already translated in the d38 site. The same thing happens.
Please send a support email to me to pass the login details.
the hidden button was solved applying the dynamic visibility in the elementor shortcode instead container.
but I still haven’t got the translations
Hi @antonio24073,
Could you please let us know if you are using RegistrationMagic Premium or not. Some translations can only be done for the Premium addon.
Due to lack of further response, we are closing this topic.
I’m using free version
I will recommend your plugin in the free version to a end user, but I cannot pass this value of pro version to him yet because it would make the project more expensive just for this translation.
Please can you move this functionality to free version? In a second moment, the own end user will buy your plugin if it’s needed.
there is a guideline about this:
Another reason why it should be moved to the free version is because it is very easy to solve… but hard coded and susceptible to failure. What should be avoided to make the WordPress brand effective in the market that is our bread and butter