• Our website is an active community website, and we can’t expose the Admin Bar on the front end, even for a few minutes. In order for this plugin to function, the Admin Bar must be enabled on the front end, for at least the Administrator level user. The only way we could do this, is by disabling the Hide Admin Bar plugin, and installing another plugin which hides the Admin Bar to everyone except for Administrator user. We don’t have the luxury of exposing our site for any amount of time, and we’re not going to spend the time cloning our site to a test sandbox and removing and re-adding some Admin Bar plugin that will work … JUST so we can use this DEBUG THIS plugin.

    I hope everyone understands. The plugin is probably great. But it’s fundamentally unusable on a seriously deployed website.

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  • Would you also give a low rating to a vacuum cleaner because it cannot do the dishes? Or a plumber because he cannot fix your car?

    This plugin is simply not the right tool for your particular needs, your definition of “prime time”. That hardly merits a 1-star review which typically means that a plugin is broken, does not perform as advertised, or completely hoses your site.

    A seriously deployed site (as opposed to what, really? A snarkily deployed site? :D) should already have a plugin that has the ability to set the admin bar as visible for Admins only. There are many reasons Admins may need info at any given time, so to hide the bar for everyone at all times without being able to flip it on per user type does not help your admins anyway.

    At the same time, giving a one star rating for a plugin that you are unable to actually judge how well it does its job because of your current site setup? That’s as bad as Amazon reviewers who give a one star rating on something because the shipping department sent them a completely wrong item and they had to return it. And it sounds like you assume everyone has their site setup the same way you do, so the plugin author must have done it wrong.

    If you are able to use it, then rate how it does. If you are unable to use it, then either change your site setup so that you can or delete the plugin and find another that you are able to use. But please don’t punish plugin developers for things like this – they don’t know everyone’s site setup, and could not code to meet every single one’s specific needs even if they did. Your site’s setup is completely out of their control. Plus it gives a false impression that the plugin is bad or does not work to other users looking at the ratings.



    @evanevans333 — You use a plugin to disable the Toolbar (aka “admin bar”)? And this plugin disables the Toolbar for everyone, without respect for the user’s role?

    All you need is this in your functions.php file (or equivalent):

    if ( ! current_user_can('administrator') ) {
        add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );   // Only Admins get the Toolbar

    The above renders the Toolbar only for Administrators, and no one else. It’s the kind of thing a “seriously deployed website” would use. 😉

    God it really bugs me when users provide totally invalid reviews like this because they don’t know what they are doing.

    It bugs me because it is very unfair to the developer.

    It is also unfair to other potential users like me because I will read 1 star ratings to get an idea of a plugin, and in this case I need to spend time reading this review, only to see it is invalid, in which case it wastes my and other user’s time…

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