Plugin Author
Do you have run only the cron or the import too? Unfortunatly the Twitter API is limited to your last 3200 tweets, which means the cron can not load the tweets before. That is why Mathilda provides the import function. But with more than 14K tweets like you have, you will get the error with php execution time. That means you must create smaller packes for the import. Example, if your export has 20 MB for all files, please upload only 5 MB in the import folder, run import, delete the files and do the same for the next 5MB.
I’ve clicked cron first. After increasing the max execution time to 120 it went through. Then I’ve clicked “Twitter import” and got the message “Output
0 Files overall.
Import done! :-)”
What do you mean with “packets to import”? Where do I get them? What are these?
Plugin Author
Import is designed to integrate the tweets into Mathilda, which are not delivered by the Twitter API. The Cron is permanently fetching your tweets via the API. The import works with files.
To import your older tweets, you must download your tweet archive from Twitter (Profile/Settings/Your Twitter Data). Your archive contains the folder “data/js/tweets”. Upload the containing files to “”. Now you can run the import (Tools/Tweets).
Notice, the 120 seconds will not be enough for processing of 14.000 tweets. You will get a timeout. If you cannot increase it further, you must do it step by step like I have descripted above (Typo: packes > packages).
I know the process is not self explanatory and currently not well communicated. But it’s not enough to show a simple message within the plugin about this procedure. I am still thinking about it.
Plugin Author
Plugin Author
I just have released Mathilda 0.3.
This version includes a small “handbook” to explain the process importing your older tweets. In the next days I will publish a new screencast with the topic above in addition.
Plugin Author
Thread will be closed.
I assume all tweets could be imported with the mentioned manual above.