I visited the page above and the map showed for me the first time. If your host handles caching, or you have a caching plugin installed, it may have simply been that the cache needed to be cleared. If you did a hard refresh, that may be why it didn’t display until then.
Thanks – it’s weird.
If I click the link in the post, it also displays for me straightaway but if I then click another top level navigation item (eg Designer Profile) then click back to Stockists on the top level menu, I need to refresh to display the map?
I don’t have any caching plugins installed.
Now we are getting somewhere. The theme you are using uses AJAX to load subsequent pages. As such, a direct page load is different than what happens when transitioning to another page on the site.
There are two issues you will have to overcome to fix this:
1) The Stellar Places plugin only includes the necessary code to trigger the map on pages where maps actually exist. This means that when you come in through another page and then navigate to the ‘Stockists’ page, the necessary code is never loaded even though there should now be a map displayed. You could manually enqueue the required files for all pages to fix this, but you are still up against one more issue:
2) The Stellar Places code is only triggered once the page has been fully loaded. This means that when you visit the page directly, it will trigger rendering of the map once the page has been loaded. However, since navigating from another page on your site is not technically considered a page load, the code is never triggered. Currently, there isn’t a way to manually trigger map rendering in Stellar Places.
The solution would be for me to add into the Stellar Places plugin a way for you to manually call the code to trigger rendering of any maps on the page. Once that code is in, we would need to write custom code for your site to render maps when AJAX calls are complete and be sure to enqueue all required code files for all pages.
I’d be happy to help you with this, but I don’t have time to get to that immediately. Let me see if I can’t get to that sometime this coming weekend.