Multiple Burd Shipping Options not working
There is some conflict that It don’t show multiple Burd Delivery shipping options like normal Flat Rate shipping options in WooCommerce.
I’ve tried the Free Shipping option also in Burd Delivery to put some amount but it still shows in the front and even cart total is lower than that limit.
I tried conditions also but those also didn’t worked.It only shows 1 Burd Shipping option which is at Top (so if move Free shipping to Top, it shows Free burd shipping at frontend and if I move another paid burd shipping option at top, it shows that at frontend), see screenshot
In the following function, it only shows 1 burd shipping option when called at frontend on checkout or cart.
$packages = WC()->shipping->get_packages();I’ve checked with wordpress default twenty twentytheme also.
FYI, I noticed from frontend html that for both burd shipping options (showing 1 at a time) so you have value like burd_delivery_shipping instead of burd_delivery_shipping:16 or burd_delivery_shipping:17 as my instances id are 16 and 17 for both burd shipping options.
I see that Flat Rate shipping options of WooCommerce shows value at frontend like
flat_rate:11, flat_rate:13, flat_rate:14 etc.We want to offer customers 2 shipping options (i.e less than 250, paid burd shipping) and greater than 250, Free burd shipping).
so as a solution, any one of following 2 solutions will work.
1st solution: If you can return both (all active burd shipping options) at frontend, we can hide/show required burd shipping according to our scenario.
OR 2nd solution can be that your Free Shipping condition (or minimum/maximum cart total conditions works and it returns 1 correct shipping option at frontend).
FYI, we don’t want to show customers 2 burd shipping options together.
We will show 1 option at a time but according to cart total.Currently it is not working as it always returns 1 shipping option at frontend which we keep at top in backend shipping options.
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