Making the gallery functionality work on pages/posts?
Hi there,
I read this post and I’d second the request to allow this to work on images in posts/pages–specifically in the context of getting it WP Featherlight to work with WooCommerce.
WooCommerce uses prettyPhoto, which is nice, but much slower and clunkier. I’d like to disable the prettyPhoto functionality in WooCommerce and use Featherlight throughout the site instead. WooCommerce calls prettyPhoto to show a gallery of product image, but doesn’t use the WP gallery functionality; they’re just images in sequence.
Your plugin is a really great implementation of Featherlight (thanks!). As well as implementing Featherlight well, it’s great that you package it nicely with swipe and also pick up the captions–really cool.
However, not being able to see products on the WooCommerce product pages (and on normal pages and posts) is a show-stopper for me 🙁
I’ve been trying extend the functionality of your plugin myself, but it’s beyond me. I can see where you’ve explicitly included support for WP galleries and jetpack galleries, but I can’t figure out how to extend this to normal pages’ images. I tried to filter the content (to preg_replace “data-featherlight” with “data-featherlight-gallery”), but it doesn’t work, because you seem to be doing your magic with javascript (I can hack PHP, but not js).
Any help very gratefully received.
Hi ElectricFeet,
Advancing through images in the post isn’t something we plan to add in the near future.
We do however, plan to add WooCommerce support relatively soon through an update, or through an addon.
In the meantime, you can likely accomplish this on your own by disabling the lightbox in WooCommerce through the WooCommerce options panel.
And then modifying your product-image.php template to resemble something similar to this:
<?php /** * Single Product Image * * @author WooThemes * @package WooCommerce/Templates * @version 2.0.14 */ global $post, $woocommerce, $product; $attachment_count = count( $product->get_gallery_attachment_ids() ); $gallery = ''; if ( $attachment_count > 0 ) { $gallery = ' data-featherlight-gallery data-featherlight-filter="a"'; } ?> <div id="woocommerce-images" class="images"<?php echo $gallery; ?>> <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { $image_title = esc_attr( get_the_title( get_post_thumbnail_id() ) ); $image_caption = get_post( get_post_thumbnail_id() )->post_excerpt; $image_link = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id() ); $image = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, apply_filters( 'single_product_large_thumbnail_size', 'shop_single' ), array( 'title' => $image_title, 'alt' => $image_title ) ); echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_image_html', sprintf( '<a href="%s" itemprop="image" class="woocommerce-main-image product-image" title="%s">%s</a>', $image_link, $image_caption, $image ), $post->ID ); } else { echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_image_html', sprintf( '<img src="%s" alt="%s" />', wc_placeholder_img_src(), __( 'Placeholder', 'woocommerce' ) ), $post->ID ); } ?> <?php do_action( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails' ); ?> </div>
That may not work for your specific use case, but we’ve implemented that modification on sites running WooCommerce and it works well. That code is meant to be an example.
If you have any additional questions, just follow up and we’ll do our best to help out. Good luck!
Hey Ryan, thanks for such a quick reply! 🙂
I understand why this works, but I also think that you could perhaps simply use the filter, rather than replace the template. In particular, all the image titles/captions/links stuff in the original WooCommerce template doesn’t actually need to be run, because you guys are already doing a really good job of picking up the captions/links yourselves (and I think–but I’m not 100% certain–that the only reason that the WooCommerce devs need to play around with titles is because this is what prettyPhoto needs, unlike your much better solution with captions).
What you gave me above brought me back to my PHP roots and I was able to figure out that all I need to do on non-WooCommerce pages is to wrap the content in another div, with your magic Featherlight sauce in it. Like this (in my functions.php):
function enable_featherlight_gallery_on_non_WC_pages($content) { $content = '<div data-featherlight-gallery data-featherlight-filter="a">' . $content . '</div>'; return $content; } add_filter('the_content','enable_featherlight_gallery_on_non_WC_pages');
Caveat: This code screws up the previous/next logic when you get to the end/beginning of the image set (the next/previous arrows still show, but they don’t go anywhere; they just produce a white overlay on the images). It’s not yet ready for prime time: it needs some tweaks. However, it’s better than not having previous/next functionality at all: I post it here in the hope that someone might want to make it better.
Thanks for sending me off in the right direction! This gets me galleries on every post/page of my site.
Now I just have to figure out what I need to wrap WooCommerce images in, because they don’t sit inside
. (Anyone?) Or maybe I just need to take my own advice and filter thewoocommerce_single_product_image_html
hook. But it’s past my bedtime: I’ll spend more time tomorrow/the weekend.Thanks again!
Glad you were able to get something working. Thanks again for using it!
Glad to hear you’re working on Woocommerce support too! Any ETA on when this will be available?
Hey Aand,
It’s probably still a ways out since we just had a major release a few days ago, but it’s already in active development.
I don’t have an ETA at the moment, but I’ll update this thread when the WooCommerce-compatible version is available.
@aand: There is a solution above (to modify the woocommerce template). However, I never like editing template files if possible–even in child theme–because I might miss out on new goodies when woocommerce gets updated.
So, while waiting for a permanent solution built into WP Featherlight, you could add the following to your child theme’s functions.php:
// Wrap the product images on a woocommerce product page with a // <div data-featherlight-gallery data-featherlight-filter="a">...</div> // First at the top of the woocommerce template: add_action( 'woocommerce_before_template_part', 'open_featherlight_gallery_around_woocommerce_product_images' ); function open_featherlight_gallery_around_woocommerce_product_images( $template_name ) { if ( 'single-product/product-image.php' == $template_name ) { echo '<div data-featherlight-gallery data-featherlight-filter="a">' ; } } // ... and now at the end of the template: add_action( 'woocommerce_after_template_part', 'close_featherlight_gallery_around_woocommerce_product_images' ); function close_featherlight_gallery_around_woocommerce_product_images( $template_name ) { if ( 'single-product/product-thumbnails.php' == $template_name ) { echo '</div>' ; } }
@wp Site Care: If you want to adopt it, the above could be a permanent solution in the WP Featherlight’s PHP code. It has minimal overhead for non-woocommerce users.
@wp Site Care: A question, if I may (from someone who knows nothing about javascript): is there anything to be gained, speed-wise from using the wp_prepare_attachment_for_js function to get the caption?
Oops. The link above is broken. Here’s the correct one:
As regards support for all images on a page (as opposed to only galleries):
I wrote a PHP script to do this, but it’s not a pretty sight, due to the all the regexs necessary. It works, but it’s too flimsy to impose on others. PHP is not well-suited to move around in html.
So I learned just enough javascript to get myself into trouble, and found that the following works:
, make the following changes:1) change
".gallery-item a"
(so that all anchors that have been picked up by Featherlight are now picked up by WP Featherlight)
2) change".gallery, .tiled-gallery"
(so that the “gallery” is now the whole of the content of the post/page).I tried it with a few different themes and with a few complex test pages and it works. It won’t work if you have wpautop switched off (because the captions will screw up), but most themes don’t touch this, so it shouldn’t be a problem for most people.
Changing the plugin’s core files is not ideal. And a caveat: I said that I now know enough javascript to get myself into trouble, but I don’t yet know enough to get myself out of trouble again 🙂 so use at your own risk.
@wp Site Care: This could be a really tiny addition to the plugin, added to the WP Featherlight Options, so that it would have the following radio buttons:
– Disable lightbox
– Enable for all images on this page
– Enable only for galleries on this pageWhat do you think?
Thanks for all your work on this @electricfeet.
We’ll look into this change some more and do some performance testing to see how it fares there. We’d prefer to get it working with PHP if at all possible mainly for performance reasons, but that may not be feasible.
We’ll update here when we’ve had more time to test. Thanks again!
You’re welcome!
The PHP code I wrote is this, but it’s really not pretty:
if( ! function_exists( 'enable_featherlight_gallery_on_other_images' )) : // Don't try to load this if it's already loaded somewhere else function enable_featherlight_gallery_on_other_images( $content ) { // Exit if WP_Featherlight is not active OR we're not on a post/page if ( ( ! in_array( 'wp-featherlight/wp-featherlight.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) ) || ( ! ( is_single() || is_page() ) ) ) { return $content; } // Exit if woocommerce is active AND we're on a woocommerce page if ( ( in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) ) && ( is_woocommerce() || is_cart() || is_checkout() || is_account_page() ) ) { return $content; } // 1. Look for anchor/image combos and pick up their prior tag // Set a pattern to find prior-tag/a/img combos (picks up only a/img combos with "Link to" set as "Media file") $a_img_combo_pattern = '/' // Start of regex . '(' // Start of capturing group $1 . '<[^>]*?>' // Tag prior to the anchor, in a capturing group $1 . ')' // End of capturing group $1 . '[^<]*?' // Anything between the closing '>' of the prior tag and the opening '<' of the anchor (e.g. new line etc.) . '(' // Start of capturing group $2 . '<a' // Opening of anchor tag . '.*?href=' // Anything else up to the href . '[\"\']' // Opening quote for the href value . '[^\"\']*?\.' // Anything (that's not a closing quote) right up to (and including) the dot before the file extension . '(?:bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|tiff)' // An image file extension in a non-capturing group; add whatever else you want to include here . '[(\"\']' // Closing quote for the href value . '[^>]*?>' // Anything (that's not a '>') before the closing '>' . '(?:' // End wpautop fix #1 (doncha love it) . '[^<]*?' // Anything between the closing '>' of the <a> and the opening '<' of the <img> (e.g. new line etc.) . '|' // OR . '[^<]*?<br \/>[^<]*?' // wpautop adds some spurious spaces and <br />s that we need to look for between the <a...> and the <img../> . ')' // End wpautop fix #1 . '<img[^>]*?>' // The start of the image tag, followed by anything (that isn't a '>'), followed by the final '>' . '(?:' // Start wpautop fix #2 . '[^<]*?' // Anything between the closing '>' of the <img> and the opening '<' of the </a> (e.g. new line etc.) . '|' // OR . '[^<]*?<br \/>[^<]*?' // wpautop adds some spurious spaces and <br />s that we need to look for between the <img../> and the </a...> . ')' // End wpautop fix #2 . '<\/a>' // The close of the anchor tag . ')' // End of capturing group $2 . '/i'; // End of regex // Put what we found in an array preg_match_all($a_img_combo_pattern, $content, $a_img_combos); // $a_img_combos is now an array: // [0] prior tag + a/img combos // [1] only the prior tag // [2] only the a/img combos // If we have only 1 (or 0) images, then we don't need a gallery, so exit if ( array_sum(array_map("count", $a_img_combos)) < 4 ) { return $content; } // 2. Take action based on type of each prior tag: // 2a Set a pattern to find "gallery-icon" (simplified, as the gallery html should be WP-generated) $gallery_icon_pattern = // We can simplify what we look for, as this is an html snippet generated by WP '/' // Start of regex . '(?:' // Start of alternating non-capturing group . '<dt class[\s]*?=[\s]*?[\"\']gallery-icon' // gallery-icon class when theme doesn't support html5 for gallery & captions . '|' // OR . '<div class[\s]*?=[\s]*?[\"\']gallery-icon' // gallery-icon class when theme supports html5 for gallery & captions . ')' // End of alternating non-capturing group . '/i'; // End of regex // For each prior tag with a gallery-icon class, ignore it by deleting the corresponding entries in the a/img combos foreach ( preg_grep( $gallery_icon_pattern, $a_img_combos[1] ) as $key_to_delete => $prior_tag_to_ignore ) { foreach ($a_img_combos as $key => $val) { unset($a_img_combos[$key][$key_to_delete]); } } // 2b. For each prior tag that is an end tag, wrap the corresponding a/img combos with a "gallery-item" class // Set a pattern to find an end tag $end_tag_pattern = '/(<\/|\/>)/i'; // For each matching prior tag ($a_img_combos[1]), wrap $a_img_combos[2] with <span class="gallery-item"> ... </span> foreach ( preg_grep( $end_tag_pattern, $a_img_combos[1] ) as $key_to_wrap => $prior_end_tag ) { $a_img_combos[2][$key_to_wrap] = '<span class="gallery-item">'. $a_img_combos[2][$key_to_wrap] . '</span>'; } // 2c. If a prior tag IS NOT an end tag, check if it already has a class attribute and act accordingly // Set a pattern to find a class attribute $class_attribute_pattern = '/' // Start of regex . '(' // Start of capturing group $1 . '<[^>]*?' // Everything in the tag before the class="..." . ')' // End of capturing group $1 . 'class[\s]*?=[\s]*?' // The class= statement with quote (and possible extraneous white space) . '[\"\']' // The opening quote of the class value . '(' // Start of capturing group $2 . '[^\"\']*?' // All current classes (if any) . ')' // End of capturing group $2 . '[\"\']' // The closing quote of the class value . '(' // Start of capturing group $3 . '[^>]*?>' // Everything in the tag after the class="..." . ')' // End of capturing group $3 . '/i'; // End of regex // For each prior tag that IS NOT an end tag... foreach ( (preg_grep( $end_tag_pattern, $a_img_combos[1], PREG_GREP_INVERT)) as $key_to_modify => $non_ending_prior_tag ) { // If it already has a class attribute, add "gallery-item" to the existing class(es) if ( preg_match($class_attribute_pattern, $non_ending_prior_tag) ) { $a_img_combos[1][$key_to_modify] = preg_replace($class_attribute_pattern, '$1 class="$2 gallery-item" $3', $non_ending_prior_tag); } else { // Else (it doesn't have a class attribute), add 'class="gallery-item"' just before the closing ">" $a_img_combos[1][$key_to_modify] = str_replace('>', ' class="gallery-item">', $non_ending_prior_tag); } } // Prepare to replace: put original prior/a/image combos in an array $original_prior_a_img_combos = $a_img_combos[0]; // Prepare to replace: concatenate modified prior with modified a/image combos and put in a replacement array foreach($a_img_combos[1] as $keys_of_values_to_replace => &$values_to_replace) { $replacement_prior_a_img_combos[] = $values_to_replace . $a_img_combos[2][$keys_of_values_to_replace]; } // Replace all the prior/a/img combos with modified versions $content = str_replace( $original_prior_a_img_combos, $replacement_prior_a_img_combos, $content); // 3. Remove "gallery" classes in the content, and wrap the whole content with a single <div class="gallery"> ... </div> // Set a pattern to find the "gallery" class in an html tag $gallery_class_pattern = '/' // Start of regex . 'class[\s]*?=[\s]*?' // The class= statement . '[\"\']' // The opening quote of the class value . '(' // Start of alternating capturing group $1; contains classes before "gallery" . '[\s]*?' // Whitespace (possibly zero, if "gallery" is at the start) . '|' // OR . '[^\"\']*?\s' // Something else that isn't a quote, followed by a whitespace . ')' // End of alternating capturing group $1 . 'gallery' // The "gallery" value . '(' // Start of alternating capturing group $2; contains classes after "gallery" . '[\s]*?' // Whitespace (possibly zero, if "gallery" is at the end) . '|' // OR . '\s[^\"\']*?' // Something else that isn't a quote, preceded by a whitespace . ')' // End of alternating capturing group $2 . '[\"\']' // The closing quote of the class value . '/i'; // End of regex // Set the replacement pattern, with "gallery" removed $gallery_class_replacement = "class='$1 $2'"; // Replace and wrap the whole modified content in a <div class="gallery"> $content = '<div class="gallery">' . preg_replace($gallery_class_pattern, $gallery_class_replacement, $content) . '</div>'; return $content; } endif;
It basically modifies the content to fit your code. Nasty regexs I wouldn’t want to see in a plugin (especially when featherlight.js is already doing much of this work in the first place, so it’s also duplication).
The js approach would be much better. And in any case, by searching on
instead a
, you might save yourself some ups and downs in the current js too. You could run the IFs in PHP (as you do now, I presume) and simply tell the js to work on .entry-content instead of .gallery.I’d suggest the code myself, but don’t know enough about js not to make a silly mistake. And in my experience, silly mistakes are harder to find than to make, so you wouldn’t want my suggested code 🙂
+1 good to know WooCommerce gallery support is on the way.
Hi there!
Any news on the WooCommerce ETA? Currently looking at options for lightboxes for a new site and WooCommerce compatibility is a must-have.
Thanks for any update you can give.
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