• ccwordpressf


    Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function?
    at 49660769-1489694389.js:42
    at 49660769-1489694389.js:314

    I am also using this function to load the iframe on my post format. What filter do you recommend so that your plugin works?

    Iframe function loading

    function thirty_eight_get_embedded_media( $type = array() ){

    $content = do_shortcode( apply_filters( ‘the_content’, get_the_content() ) );
    $embed = get_media_embedded_in_content( $content, $type );
    if( in_array( ‘audio’, $type ) ){
    $output = str_replace( ‘?visual=true’, ‘?visual=false’, $embed[0] );
    } else {
    $output = $embed[0];

    return $output;


    echo thirty_eight_get_embedded_media( array( ‘video’, ‘iframe’) );

    Thanks for the help

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