• It looked promising with so many videos promoting it. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t work so I have no choice but to give a poor rating. What else can I say about it after wasting several hours to make it work?

    AWS credentials were created new with correct AWS Cloud Front access policy. No cloud front distribution has been created and it doesn’t even give any error too. Tried reinstalling this plug-in but it still doesn’t do any thing.

    The AWS cloudtrail even doesn’t show any event that means – it didn’t even send any API call to create a distribution.

    Looks like a total waste of time.

    10/2/2024 Update

    There is a bug in plugin. But there is way to fix it – check the support forum thread to fix this.

    Because plug-in has an unfixed bug, leaving the ratings to still ‘*’ for now.

    • This topic was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by bk9001.
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