Hi @alexliii,
May I ask if you mean the correctness of the email in terms of whether it actually exists or one that has the correct format?
just ask the customer input email address and immediately send an email to them upon adding any item into cart.
so, I mean sent immediately email to customer and ask them received an coupon. By this way, we can verify if their email is correct. But not send email with any delayed time like 10 or 20 minutes for abandonment cart or order.
two reasons for this feature
1#please note around 25 % input an wrong email address when placing an order. They will miss the shipment notification and tracking information, and delivery notification.
2# abandonment Cart email is helpless for conversation, shopping is not only money assumption but time assumptions, no one will get back for a coupon if they give up at the first time, but they will angry with the seller for the abandoned email.
I apologize for the long delay in responding.
Thank you for your suggestions!
They are very important to us. As plugin developers, it is impossible for us to verify all the needs of our customers, and it is through messages like this that we learn about features that are important to you.
I will present the idea to the team, and together we will consider the possibilities of implementing it.
I will inform you if the given functionality is implemented in the plugin.
I am closing this thread for now but we will report back here if we add this feature. Thanks again for this clue!