Hi @efaldogan,
Thanks for reaching out.
Kindly share the Fatal error log (WooCommerce > Status > Logs > Fatal errors) and WooCommerce system status report (WooCommerce > Status > System status > Get system report) for a better understanding of the issue.
You may share the details via this link if you have any privacy concerns.
Hi, we have the same issue. Where can we submit the fatal error log, please?
Hi @joeyxpole,
You may share the Fatal error log (WooCommerce > Status > Logs > Fatal errors) and WooCommerce system status report (WooCommerce > Status > System status > Get system report) with us for a better understanding of the issue.
If you have any privacy concerns you may share them via this link.
Thanks, submitted via ticket #78325.
All sorted with assistance from the team; thanks for the help, guys!
Hi @efaldogan,
It has been quite some time since our last communication, so we will mark this thread as resolved. Please open a new thread if you are still facing issues or have questions that you need us to answer.