Hello @sova1979,
Thanks for the suggestion.
We have taken note and passed it on to our theme development team, our team will add a link feature in the info section in the next theme update.
Thanks for the reply. Fine. The theme is great and simple, but this block is useless, especially in the mobile version of the site. If the blocks are links, the version will improve functionally.
For me, this still doesn’t work.
Why did you mark it as resolved?
By editing public_html/wp-content/plugins/burger-companion/inc/spintech/sections/section-info.php
you can modify that link. But all texts point to a common link. This is not good
I think this is an error in the Burger companion plugin, not the theme.
Slider Section
Info Section
Service Section
Call To Action Section
And many more.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
I found out.
in this file:
after this line:
$icon = ! empty( $info_item->icon_value) ? apply_filters( 'spintech_translate_single_string', $info_item->icon_value,'info section' ) : '';
add this line:
$spintech_info_link = ! empty( $info_item->link ) ? apply_filters( 'spintech_translate_single_string', $info_item->link, 'info section' ) : '';
and substitute this line at the bottom:
<h6 class="title"><a href="javascript:void(0)"><?php echo esc_html( $spintech_info_title ); ?></a></h6>
with this line:
<h6 class="title"><a href="<?php echo esc_url($spintech_info_link); ?>"><?php echo esc_html($spintech_info_title); ?></a></h6>
And in this file:
after this line
'customizer_repeater_text_control' => true,
add this line
'customizer_repeater_link_control' => true,
and in your customizer it will show up
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by