The photo display type you specified in the shortcode is “xphoto”
You can specify links from xphotos here:
Photo Albums -> Settings -> Links -> II: Links from standard images -> Item 5: xphoto
Clicking the photo will follow the link specified.
Note: PSO means: Photo Specific link Overrule. i.e. when ticked and you specify a dedicated link on the photo admin page for the specific photo, that link will have precedence over the selected link for the image type.
Still not working. Any insights on what im doing wrong?
(do you want login?). email [email protected] or text/whatsapp 520-247-5918
I wasnt able to send an email to you. Got a error:
The response from the remote server was:
550 5.7.1 Recipients have complained about included content (B-URL)
Strange, never had this before
try opajaap at opajaap dot nl