Can you provide the feed url you are trying to import.
What about every other client with the same issue? Please see the numerous reports, help requests, etc. that have been ignored.
@ktgwnc – What issue do you have?
I used your feed validator and it says there, Success! No errors found. SO my feed is fine. Now we need to know how we can get the refresh button back and have the ability to remove and/or replace our google feed.
Thank you
The refresh button still does not work with new or modified content. And after watch the site for 2 hours it did not update on it’s own. There are major issues with this calendar again. It’s been a week and still not resolved.
Is there also a cap on how many events can come in from a single feed. I know that you can only have one feed on the basic plugin. If there is a limit how many. Sad if there is one though.
My calendar is also not syncing. Where can I find the frequency from which it should be updating?
ktgwnc, no report on import feeds is being ignored. This is our top priority and we have half our staff to improve this.
Larry_D, you can’t see the refresh button? we’re at this point improving the action, as the manual refresh is currently not triggering a “real” on the fly update from the API. An improvement for real live update will be released in the next few days.
There is no cap for the plugin at this moment for the number of feeds nor for the number of events. We may consider some limitations in the future, but not yet.
loganseth, the frequency is every hour, and we’re adding manual refresh in the following days.
If you guys have any issues with the new import feed functionality please email us at [email protected]