Google Analytics 3 Revenue Tracking broke
I am also throwing my hat into the ring and ask for help. Google Analytics eCommerce Tracking broke after the ~6th of October on three different sites. They all have the same setup.I suspect this has to do with a WP / WooCommerce update or Google Analytics / GTM changed how they want the data layer to look like. I am not aware that GTM4WP was updated.
I have set up everything in WordPress, GTM and GA according to this guide: comply with GDPR, I used Trigger Groups, combining the triggers from the guide with the Borlabs Opt-In Triggers: However, I removed them to debug. They are not the issue.
But I am having the problem that the gtm4wp.orderCompletedEEC GA3 event does not contain any ecom purchase data – and therefore no transaction is created in GA3.
My trigger:
My tag:
Datalayer for gtm4wp.orderCompletedEEC event:{ event: "gtm4wp.orderCompletedEEC", gtm: {uniqueEventId: 13}, visitorLoginState: "logged-in", visitorType: "administrator", pagePostType: "page", pagePostType2: "single-page", pagePostAuthor: "adminTZN", customerTotalOrders: 1, customerTotalOrderValue: "0.00", customerFirstName: "Franz", customerLastName: "Sauerstein", customerBillingFirstName: "Franz", customerBillingLastName: "Sauerstein", customerBillingCompany: "", customerBillingAddress1: "Musterstraße 123", customerBillingAddress2: "", customerBillingCity: "Musterstadt", customerBillingPostcode: "12345", customerBillingCountry: "DE", customerBillingEmail: "[email protected]", customerBillingPhone: "004917663089857", customerShippingFirstName: "Franz", customerShippingLastName: "Sauerstein", customerShippingCompany: "", customerShippingAddress1: "Musterstraße 123", customerShippingAddress2: "", customerShippingCity: "Musterstadt", customerShippingPostcode: "12345", customerShippingCountry: "DE", cartContent: { totals: { applied_coupons: [], discount_total: 0, subtotal: 0, total: 0 }, items: [] }, orderData: { attributes: { date: "2021-10-19T09:47:02+00:00", order_number: "47588", order_key: "wc_order_8xJ0AdUIBPI3L", payment_method: "", payment_method_title: "", shipping_method: "Versandkostenfrei", status: "processing", coupons: "testing100" }, totals: { currency: "EUR", discount_total: "23.81", discount_tax: "1.6667", shipping_total: "0", shipping_tax: "0", cart_tax: "-0.000434", total: "0.00", total_tax: "0", total_discount: "23.81", subtotal: "23.8", tax_totals: { DE-MWST. DE REDUZIERTER-PREIS-1: { amount: -0.000434, id: 23088, rate_id: 34, is_compound: false, label: "MwSt. DE reduzierter-preis", formatted_amount: "<span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount a" + "mount\"><bdi>-0,00<span class=\"woocomme" + "rce-Price-currencySymbol\">€</span>" + "</bdi></span>" } } }, customer: { id: 7779, billing: { first_name: "Franz", last_name: "Sauerstein", company: "", address_1: "Musterstraße 123", address_2: "", city: "Musterstadt", state: "", postcode: "12345", country: "DE", email: "[email protected]", phone: "004917663089857" }, shipping: { first_name: "Franz", last_name: "Sauerstein", company: "", address_1: "Musterstraße 123", address_2: "", city: "Musterstadt", state: "", postcode: "12345", country: "DE" } }, items: [ { id: "2512", name: "Luxus-Nuss Bruchschokolade", sku: "2512", category: "Bruchschokolade", price: 0, stocklevel: 10, quantity: 1 }, { id: "2109", name: "Schokotafel Vollmilch Cappuccino", sku: "2109", category: "Vollmilchschokolade", price: 0, stocklevel: 0, quantity: 1 }, { id: "4050", name: "Schoko-Teddy groß -personalisierbar-", sku: "4050", category: "personalisierte Schokolade", price: 0, stocklevel: -1, quantity: 1 } ] }, ecommerce: { currencyCode: "EUR", purchase: { actionField: { id: "47588", affiliation: "", revenue: 0, tax: 0, shipping: 0, coupon: "testing100" }, products: [ { id: "2512", name: "Luxus-Nuss Bruchschokolade", sku: "2512", category: "Bruchschokolade", price: 0, stocklevel: 10, quantity: 1 }, { id: "2109", name: "Schokotafel Vollmilch Cappuccino", sku: "2109", category: "Vollmilchschokolade", price: 0, stocklevel: 0, quantity: 1 }, { id: "4050", name: "Schoko-Teddy groß -personalisierbar-", sku: "4050", category: "personalisierte Schokolade", price: 0, stocklevel: -1, quantity: 1 } ] } } }
The GA3 tag is firing upon the gtm4wp.orderCompletedEEC event:
I am seeing the events in Google Analytics, but not the revenue in eCommerce Tracking: page:
GA debug link:>m_auth=gUj-2FB3AFryFUDDQMFk8A>m_preview=env-46How to place an order without paying: Use email adress [email protected], PW %@j6t*sddNC5wbHPPyehhlgs and coupon code TESTING100.
I currently run Google Analytics WooCommerce Tracking in parallel, because I need to track orders.
Thank you for taking a look!
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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