Hi Eclemente
Thank you for reporting the issue. This should not be happening. I will check it and get back to you as soon as I find something. I will also register on your website to test.
Have a nice day
Krzysztof Planeta
Oh. One more thing. Can you please enable debug mode in the General Settings of the plugin?
I’ve noticed π Thank you for turning on the debug mode. I registered on your website but I was tracked with no issues. What browser did you use to test? Have you tried testing it in incognito mode of your browser?
Oh. And one more thing. Did you test it before while being registered as administrator or a client? As a rule admins are always excluded from tracking and there is no setting to disable it.
OK. I see that there is a problem on the homepage. One of the scripts is not loaded but it should. I noticed that you have cookieyes installed. Can you disable it for a few minutes to check if this is the problem?
Jan Dembowski
Forum Moderator and Brute Squad
@eclemente I have removed the account information you posted on the Internet, inviting 100 Million hackers to log into your site. That was unwise.
Do not ask anyone to log into your site ever. Not even a backup or staging site. Even a “test” account. Had @chrisplaneta asked for that, and to be clear they did not ask for that, they would risk being banned and having their plugin removed. It is that serious.
Please do not repeat that again.
Sorry, my bad, and I understand
Thank you @eclemente . Now I see no issues with the homepage, so that was cookieyes which caused the problem. I wonder why the problem was only on the homepage though. did not see issues with other pages. I would recommend either checking the settings of cookieyes or using the default consent banner in WP FP.
Ok, thanks for your quick help.
Hi. I haven’t heard from you for several days, so I’m closing this topic.
Have a nice day @eclemente