Functionality Request
If you need any additional functionality please describe it in this thread.
When I first read about your plugins, I was very pleased. I have hoped that after a few days of searching I finally get to the solution.
I agree with you, as far as GPL is concerned.(
Let me describe what I’m doing right now:
I want to create a query form via cf7 with repeat boxes and send it to me.
In one line: Category, product number, kg and number, picking traffic and add another contact. After the line, you’ll see info about the URL and the url address …
I can repeat the rows as many times as I need 20, and then send them.
I can see a table with ordered goods and contact.– I tried repeater for cf7 but can not display tags [group] … [/ group]
Next, I tried cf7 / listo to view products (100pcs) here to see the category “select and add products” this works.
– I tried ACF Pro version a
– ACF Frontend Display. There is a problem sending data and the setup itself is very complex. (You know how to create a form, but you need to program it so it hits me … hmmmm … “If you know how to program, then you do not need a quick wordpress solution :)”My Idea is to create field labels, eg with numbers 1200, 1201, 1202 … where after entering shortcuts, [Product-1201] will display product information – text and small image. Just like putting in a basket in an eshop.
Then I can repeat how many times I want to.
[Select * Product include_blank data: product]It seems to me that I would create 100 product articles, and after selecting [select product-list] and entering the product-1201 [product-1201], the product name will appear in the frontend – text, image.
Or one .php, to which I enter all 100 products.Then I collect data in google drive (This is solved via cf7-google-sheets-connector)
Would he know to help with this?
Hi Jtak
looks like you need my next cf7 plugin ext to do this. The CF7 Smart Grid plugin will be released next month. It has the functionality for you to build table input forms. You setup a table (row of fields) and select the row as a table structure in the plugin. It will then allow your users to create multiple entries of the same fields, submit and map these to an array meta-field in the backend.
Currently CF7 Smart Grid is still in development, it is currently on v1.0rc5, it is stable but still has a few issues to make it play nice with Post My CF7 Form plugin.
It uses CSS Smart Grid plugin to construct grid layout forms with rows and columns.
However, currently as you can imagine there are no documentation (except code comments and github wiki pages). I am not in a position to guide you in how to use it. You can install it and view some of the screenshots to see how to build the form structure.
I have written this plugin to give me the tool I needed to build very complex forms for an online Carbon emission calculator for various industries required by a client who signed up to the Paris COP21 climate agreement. It requires custom forms for each industry (the first phase we built 8 forms), and as a result I needed a tool that allows me to build complex form structures rapidly and map them to custom posts.
I therefore believe that CF7 + Post My CF7 Form + CF7 Smart Grid can solve your problem, however, given that the plugin has little documentation to go by (currently there is only a set of wiki pages with some screenshots and explanations), you will most likely need my help to solve your problem. You can hire me as a consultant by contacting me on vrata at syllogic dot in.
You can find CF7 Smart Grid v1.0rc5 on GitHub for now. It will be released on the WP repo in early June.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
Aurovrata Venet.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
Aurovrata Venet. Reason: typo fix
My form has the ability for the user to add an infinite number of a certain field.
They click “Add a link” and a URL field is inserted into the form, and they can do this multiple times so that I can collect more than one link but not restrict them to a certain number of links.
So, PmCF7 can’t “see” these fields for mapping because they don’t exist until the user creates them.So…
Request: Support for repeaters.
User can create multiples of a field (creating an array field) on the form and they get mapped to a repeater.Request Alternate: Support for ‘non-existent’ fields.
Let me say what the form field(s) will be instead of them having to exist already and be chosen from the dropdown.Love the plugin.
Really excited to possibly ditch CFDB.Hi Andrew. Funny you should request this. I just released a new plugin, the Smart grid layout design for cf7 which plays nice with this plugin and allows you to solve your problem.
Look at the table field feature. You can create a row with fields which your user can repeat. Pmcf7 will mapp a table field as an array. Go through the screenshots and captions for details. Post on the support forum if You get stuck.
One more: Field Type Matching in Admin.
I’m using the post functionality strictly for admin / backend reference.
So, I don’t need to use the raw data on the front-end.
It would be great if in the admin:
– checkbox submissions displayed as checkboxes
– repeated table row fields repeated as individual entries
– files uploaded would prepopulate a file input
Or am I missing something about the way this can work?the pvcf7 plugin is about saving your submissions as wordpress std posts and not as custom tables like other plugins do. The advantage of this is that the WP std functionality can be used to manipulate your data, transform it or display it, whether it be in the front end of the back end.
The plugin as such does not display any custom meta-box in your dashboard post edit page, this is up to you to achieve. So once you have the data stored in a std way it is very easy to pull the data out and display it in metaboxes (using a plugin or writing your own) such as getting checkboxes to show up as checkboxes.
The Smart Grid for cf7 plugin I mentioned is in v1.0. One possible development is for auto-creation of metabox based on the design of the form… but this is something which is not on the top of my list currently.
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
Aurovrata Venet.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
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