Ok, thanks on the e-mail heads up…
Yes, only post links in sidebar showing posts in the current particular category, whether the person is viewing only 1 post, OR viewing the category listing all the posts/letters. This way, instead of scrolling all the way down (some categories have 75 posts/letters), the person could just click the link to the right to go to the post/letter.
Yes, that’s when I got the error, but again, I’m not sure if I did it correctly either.
Also, just so you know, the way I have it set up now is that the categories (over 40 of them) are in a widget in a drop down directly above where I’d like to have the related post link widget.
That all seems to be working smoothly. It just seems that this would be something more people would want, so I’m surprised it’s not a popular widget at this point.
Basically, I want to show it much like a “Recent Posts” would show..
Show like “Recent Posts” would show, yet, show all, and not just some of the links…
Hi alchymyth,
Just a quick note to see if you were going to be able to give this a shot? If not, it’s fine, but thought I’d check before trying to find an answer…’
no worries – I am still on the case – it just might take another day until I can sit down and integrate it all.
in the meantime, you could possibly check if any ‘related posts’ plugin might do the same trick (?)
No problem at all. I actually spent a couple days looking for plugins, but couldn’t find anything that works like I want it. Most everything just allowed me to specify only 1 category for the entire widget, and was not specific to the current post being read…
Kind of hard to believe there isn’t something like that already, but ’tis what it is I guess.