You need to post a link to your site for CSS questions. AND you must be using custom CSS plugin or a child theme.
No Problem..I’m using a child of Buttercream. Only just started..In a sub HERE
All I want is the links at the bottom to rollover green, but didn’t know I’d need custom CSS!
(Its a bit of a bombsite at the mo, only just in it’s infancy π
Ta muchly
#header-menu a:hover {
color: green;
You’ll need to replace green with the hex value for the actual color green you want to use.
Edit: If you want the sidebar menu to hover green as well you can use
#nav_menu-2 a:hover {
color: green;
for that.
Thanks for your speedy answer!!
One more point though, I put this in the custom css box in theme options, and nothing has happened. where in the stylesheet would I put this?
Thanks lots π
You should just be able to add this to the bottom of your css file.
#header-menu a:hover {
color: green;
aside.widget ul li a:hover {
color: green;
I tried this and it still hasn’t worked π
Thanks for replying though
You’re missing a closing bracket between those two:
#header-menu a:hover {
color: #05F475;
#nav_menu-2 a:hover {
color: green;
Aghhhh..Now this is really confusing me and yet I KNOW it is so simple.. I can’t seem to make it work at all.
Thanks for pointing out the missing bracket…But still nada
*scratches head*
You’re still missing a bracket, but there’s another missing piece which is that you have a span tag in there – so try this:
#header-menu a:hover span {
color: #05F475;
I’m really grateful for you helping me out..
Still nothing.
Thanks though
You’ve left your #main open. The bottom of your stylesheet should look like this. Of course keeping #sidebar as is.
#header-menu a:hover {
color: #05F475;
#nav_menu-2 a:hover {
color: #05F475;
Something isn’t working on your end – this is the CSS showing up on your site still:
#header-menu a:hover {
color: #05F475;
#nav_menu-2 a:hover {
color: green;
Make sure you are saving changes and clearing any caching plugins. Where are you putting this CSS?
Egruza has cracked it. Thank you so much..
On closer inspection I got the colour code a bit wrong too (bit too bright, but that’s the last of my worry)
Thank you all so much
Make it this – only the first one seems to have a span tag:
#header-menu a:hover span {
color: #05F475;
#header-menu a:hover {
color: #05F475 !important;