Afternoon @jacklatham94;
There’s an option on Autoptimize’s settings page (make sure advanced options are visible) to enable/ disable autoptimize for logged in users. Disabling AO like that should fix those Elementor-issues.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for the quick reply @optimizingmatters, I have tested with that setting both ticked and unticked but I am still getting the same error
If “Also optimize for logged in users?” is unticked, then Autoptimize should disabled while you are editing the page. Can you look at HTML to confirm if this is the case (you should not see linked JS/ CSS referencing /wp-content/cache/autoptimize
Just used ctrl + f to look for /wp-content/cache/autoptimize when logged in and there are 0 results, when logged out there are 3
well, that indeed confirms Autoptimize isn’t active when logged in (so the option works). if autoptimize isn’t active for those logged in requests, it cannot be the reason for the preview not working really … So is something else messing things up?
when it first started happening I tested by deactivating all plugins apart from elementor and activated the plugins one by one and when I activated autoptimize it started playing up, when I am home from my day job I can do a quick recording showing what I experience with autoptimize active and deactive
when I am home from my day job I can do a quick recording showing what I experience with autoptimize active and deactive
OK, I’ll keep an eye out for updates here.
bizarre ..
can you:
* enable autoptimize
* disable the option to optimize for logged in users
* go into elementor
* open the browser console
* copy/paste any JS error you see there?
again, bizarre. I’ll do some tests on my end to see if I can reproduce.
no, can’t reproduce, it works even when not de-activating the “also optimize for logged in users”-option in AO, cfr.
can you check the browser console for JS errors before clicking on “edit with elementor”?
The only errors im seeing in my console are from another plugin and have no effect on AO or elementor, if you cant reproduce then it must just be something weird with the host, Its no big deal if I have to turn AO on and off if its just for me
Thanks for the help π
I see you’re also using CloudFlare’s rocket loader, that often .. complicates things. Maybe test with that feature off as well?