Conflict when using with Elementor and MetForm?
I already had a Coming Soon page up and running nicely and it includes an email capture option using MetForm Pro by Wpmet. However I needed a simple solution, as I’m not a developer, to allow me to have the Coming Soon page but with the ability to give others access via a unique url.
I decided to go for the CMP plug-in and then paid for the Elementor bundle & add-on so I could use the existing page and thought this would be the simplest route.
However, when I activate the page I get the following showing on the front end, where the MetForm should be:
parent.activateValidation({“message”:”Dieses Feld ist erforderlich”,”minLength”:1,”maxLength”:””,”type”:”none”,”required”:true,”expression”:”null”}, el) } /> <${validation.ErrorMessage} errors=${validation.errors} name=”mf-listing-lname” as=${html} />parent.activateValidation({“message”:”Dieses Feld ist erforderlich”,”emailMessage”:”Please enter a valid Email address”,”minLength”:1,”maxLength”:””,”type”:”none”,”required”:true,”expression”:”null”}, el)} /> <${validation.ErrorMessage} errors=${validation.errors} name=”mf-email” as=${html
} />${ parent.decodeEntities(
) }<${props.ReactPhoneInput} inputProps=${{ name: “mf-mobile” }} inputExtraProps=${{ required: true, autoFocus: true, }} key=${parent.state.resetKey} searchPlaceholder=”Search” inputClass=”mf-input mf-input-mobile” country=”de” enableSearch=${true} countryCodeEditable=${false} enableAreaCodes=${false} value=${parent.state.mobileWidget[“mf-mobile”] ? parent.state.mobileWidget[“mf-mobile”] : (parent.state.formData[“mf-mobile”] ? parent.state.formData[“mf-mobile”] : ”)} } name=”mf-mobile” id=”mf-input-mobile-200528c” onChange=${(value, country) => { return parent.handleOnChangePhoneInput(value, “mf-mobile”, country) } } onBlur=${(event, country) => { let value =; if(value){ value = value.replace(/[^\d]/g, ”); } parent.handleOnChangePhoneInput(value, “mf-mobile”, country) } } /> parent.activateValidation({“message”:”This field is required.”,”minLength”:1,”maxLength”:””,”type”:”none”,”required”:false}, el) } /> <${validation.ErrorMessage} errors=${validation.errors} name=”mf-mobile” as=${html
} />
parent.handleCheckbox(el, ‘onLoad’)} className=”mf-checkbox multi-option-input-type” id=”mf-input-checkbox-e96633f”> parent.handleCheckbox(, ‘onClick’) } aria-invalid=${validation.errors[‘mf-checkbox’] ? ‘true’ : ‘false’} ref=${el => { parent.activateValidation({“message”:”Dieses Feld ist erforderlich”,”minLength”:1,”maxLength”:””,”type”:”none”,”required”:true,”expression”:”null”}, el)} } /> ${ parent.decodeEntities(
Durch Ankreuzen dieses Kästchens erkläre ich mich einverstanden, Marketingmitteilungen von spielemax zu erhalten
) }<${validation.ErrorMessage} errors=${validation.errors} name=”mf-checkbox” as=${html
} />${ parent.decodeEntities(
) }}${is_dummy_markup ? message_position === 'bottom' ? props.ResponseDummyMarkup(message_successIcon, message_proClass) : '' : ''} ${is_dummy_markup ? ' ' : message_position === 'bottom' ? props.SubmitResponseMarkup
${parent}${state}${message_successIcon}${message_errorIcon}${message_proClass}: ''}
As I mentioned, I’m not a developer and was hoping I’d paid for an easy to implement solution. Can this be resolved quickly and easily?
Many thanks
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