First off, setup child theme.
Then add following code in child theme’s style.css :
color: #4d99a9;
#logo {
float: none;
text-align: center;
Change #4d99a9
to desired color.
This code will change current page color to desired one and will center the logo.
the menu seems to be based on ‘wp_list_pages()’ which outputs a css class .current_page_item on current active page menu items;
only the ‘home’ item seems to be hardcoded without added ‘current’ class (you would need to edit header.php to change that).
however, your theme is prepared to work with the custom menu feature;
consider to activate the custom menu under dashboard – appearance – menus;
you could try to add some styles like these to style.css to format the active page links:
.nav li.current_page_item a, .nav li.current-menu-item a { font-style: italic; color: orange; }
.nav li.current_page_item a:hover, .nav li.current-menu-item a:hover { color: #4d99a9; }
Thanks guys. Logo worked but still working on the active page colour.
Much appreciated.