code is always grey
Hey, I’ve installed this plugin right now. But it seems not to work.
No matter which settings I use, the code on the frontend is always grey. Any ideas why?Screenshot
WP5.5.3 · Classic Editor
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}please provide a link to your page + demo post.
mostly it’s caused by optimization/caching plugins (missing EnlighterJS resources)Thanks a lot for your quick response! Yes, you’re right. Enlighter has problems with “autoptimize” and “Async Javascript”. I could have thought of that myself. But I’m testing different syntax highlighters and the others had no problems.
Anyway – can you tell me which scripts I’ve to exclude to get it work?
It’s a common issue with “optimization” plugins because they didn’t know anything of the plugin structure and just applying the defer/async flags…
Exclude everything in the enlighter plugin directory – see
Or you have to use the “merged” mode where the init code is added to the library (Enlighter – Options – Resources – Initialization)
Okay, it works now! 🙂
Thank you!
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