Causing problems with ACF plugin
When your plugin is activated I can no longer edit fields in the Advanced Custom Fields version 6.2.5 release. I have tried on several browsers with the same problem.
Just setup clear WP + QRCODE + ACF
i can`t reproduce issue.- Can you describe all steps toget isssue
- Can you update ACF to last version (
- If you can reproduce, do you have ane errors in browser console?
- Do you have installed any cache plugins? which one?
– Can you describe all steps toget isssue
When I click Edit or click the down arrow nothing happens, i.e. it doesn’t expand to edit the field. If I deactivate your plugin it works fine.
– Can you update ACF to last version (
I do have that version. All these problems started with the upgrade of this plugin. Due to the functionality change other things don’t work on the front end as they used to. That’s why I found the problem.
– If you can reproduce, do you have ane errors in browser console? Is this what you are looking for?
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.1utils.min.js?ver=6.6.19:1 modal error: rbm_tracking_firstgo
2select2.min.js?ver=1.0:2 Uncaught Error: No select2/compat/dropdownCss
at D (select2.min.js?ver=1.0:2:1361)
at s (select2.min.js?ver=1.0:2:2714)
at select2.min.js?ver=1.0:2:1199
at n.apply (select2.min.js?ver=1.0:2:54078)
at new e (select2.min.js?ver=1.0:2:57180)
at new d (select2.min.js?ver=1.0:2:59359)
at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (select2.min.js?ver=1.0:2:68892)
at Function.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,wp-polyfill-inert,regenerator-runtime,wp-polyfill,wp-hooks&ver=b8627be7bfb442ac50b57f897987a720:2:3129)
at e.<computed>.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,wp-polyfill-inert,regenerator-runtime,wp-polyfill,wp-hooks&ver=b8627be7bfb442ac50b57f897987a720:2:1594)
at i.fn.select2 (select2.min.js?ver=1.0:2:68852)– Do you have installed any cache plugins? which one? I have Speed Optimizer by SiteGround
Hope this helps, Thanks
@fscbmwcca Please do not offer access to any site including a staging site.
If @stasionok accepted that or even a copy then they would risk getting banned from this site and have their plugin removed. It is that serious.
@stasionok While I know you have the best of intentions, it’s forum policy that you not ask users for admin or server access. And a copy of your site contain enough data to cause real harm too.
Users on the forums aren’t your customers, they’re your open source collaborators, and requesting that kind of access can put you and them at high risk.
If they are paying customers (such as people who bought a premium service/product from you) then by all means, direct them to your official customer support system. But in all other cases, you need to help them here on the forums.
Thankfully are other ways to get information you need:
- Ask the user to install the Health Check plugin and get the data that way.
- Ask for a link to the or log of the user’s web server error log.
- Ask the user to create and post a link to their
output. - Walk the user through enabling WP_DEBUG and how to log that output to a file and how to share that file.
- Walk the user through basic troubleshooting steps such and disabling all other plugins, clear their cache and cookies and try again (the Health Check plugin can do this without impacting any site vistors).
- Ask the user for the step-by-step directions on how they can reproduce the problem.
You get the idea.
We know volunteer support is not easy, and this guideline can feel needlessly restrictive. It’s actually there to protect you as much as end users. Should their site be hacked or have any issues after you accessed it, you could be held legally liable for damages. In addition, it’s difficult for end users to know the difference between helpful developers and people with malicious intentions. Because of that, we rely on plugin developers and long-standing volunteers (like you) to help us and uphold this particular guideline.
When you help users here and in public, you also help the next person with the same problem. They’ll be able to read the debugging and solution and educate themselves. That’s how we get the next generation of developers.
I am so sorry. I had no idea. I understand.
Ok, moredator absolutely right.
@fscbmwcca Can you disable all plugins, turn on qrcode and acf and check is error shown?
if yes:- your version of WP
- your theme
if no:
turn on other plugins one-by-one and find from which one error appears
Upon further investigation at the suggestion of @stasionok I deactivated and reactivated plugins in a staging site and the issue no longer appears with this plug but now appears with with two others, Ultimate Member and AW Classified. So I’m thinking this might be a ACP issue? This is very confusing that I cannot duplicate this because I had been deactivating/activating when I first found the conflict with your plugin. Thanks for you patience. My WordPress is up to date (6.4.3) and running Total theme.
Thank you for your patience. After some rerearch time i found that your issue appears for multi version select2 library usage.
I fix my part of that issue, and my plugin does not should cause that problem again. But other plugins may.
Please update for new 1.6.5 version and check
Thanks so much, that fixed it! YaY!
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