Plugin Author
@pexlechris thanks! I’ll note down the feature request for now. Hope I can implement in a future version.
Plugin Author
@pexlechris both of your suggestions have been implemented in v1.7.0. Hope you like how it’s done. p.s. it’s using WP option, not browser cookie.
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
Great news I will give them a try!
I think wp option is not a good choice because, other users could have other favorite settings, instead, you can save these settings in user metas.
Plugin Author
@pexlechris that’s a good point. I’ll try to implement in the next version. Thanks for the feedback.
Also, think about the case that many (2 or 3) developers saves their debugging variables!! They will going crazy seeing variables that haven’t inspected their owns. Have you this in mind? Brainstoring…
I had implemented such plugin, this is why I know the issues, before they occur… đ
Plugin Author
@pexlechris that’s another great feedback. I should be able to add user ID to the table that stores inspection results and use that when loading inspection results.
Also, the viewer preference can also stay in wp_options if I add user ID as well and use it when loading the inspector page.
You may also need to debug a variable from the non-logged UI…How will you do it??
Maybe a filter that display My Variables or Non-Logged In Users or All Users or All logged In Users…
You can think how to implement this…
Glad to help you đ
Plugin Author
@pexlechris can you provide an example of inspecting a “variable from non logged-in UI”?
Can’t that just be the inspector one-liner inside code that handles the front-end UI?… so, anytime the front end UI is loaded, inspection results appear on the backend.
Yes, I notice this at case that you will implement feature that will view only “my variables”.
Now the Dashboard page in backend shows variables from all developers. If you cahnge this functionality, have in mind the case from non-logged_in users
Plugin Author
@pexlechris ah, I see what you mean. If we attach variable value to a user ID, inspection done from front-end pages (non logged-in view) will need to be accounted for. Let me try and think if there’s a good way to compensate for that. Maybe that filter (logged-in by user ID vs non logged-in) you mentioned might work.