Hi Joseph @smokinjo,
Thanks for your question. By default, there are listed post types called Works on the front page of the Artwork lite theme. So you need to navigate to Dashboard > Works and add your Works posts with featured images to display them on the front page.
Let me know if it is helpful.
Hello Dmytro
Thanks for the comments.
I was able to find the works option, and was able to add 2 images to test the themes front page effects.
When I looked at the front page to see the new images, I was greeted with 2 “photos” that were not there, but instead I saw blocks of colors where the photos should have been.
I also see the title fop each “works” in the bottom right hand corner. None of the text entered shows up.
The first thing to fix would be the images turning into a block of color. What might be causing this? How can I go about seeing the image?
I forgot t note that right under the title that is found in the bottom right hand corner, there is a button that says : “VIEW”
I can click on it and I see the photo like a normal post on a blog. But, the photo is not there on the front page.
Hello Dmytro
I found the featured image button and the images now show up.
This worked.
For the images we put p, can we re-order them, in case when do nto like the order that they are in? If so, is it possible to do it with out having to erase then add the pages in the right order?
Thanks Dmytro,
This was a simple fix to my problem.