I have the same problem on my own installation. I finally deactivate APC on the server because there is too much problem.
In fact, while changing options in WP-Admin (like template, options, plugin activation/deactivation, etc…) changes are applied and then disappear !? But changes are stored into the database !
Deactivate APC for back-end only is not an option (for me) because it seems to have the same issue (I filter directly from APC with apc.filters).
My configuration :
- Ubuntu : 12.04.1 LTS
- Virtualmin 4.00 / Webmin 1.63
- PHP : 5.3.10
- APC : 3.1.7
- WordPress : 3.5.1
I can give more information if needed…
If anyone have an idea 🙂
Check this. I had the same problem and with this it’s solved for me. Mind you: I tested this not extensively, but it seems to work ok.
Interesting2me, thanks for this solution: but maybe you or anyone else knows how to achieve same effect on nginx? 🙂
Interesting2me THANK YOU!
My WordPress Multisite admin is finally working. I was getting the same errors mentioned above by other people. Enabling/disabling plugins, themes, etc was all quirky. I also have apc.filters=”-(.*apc\.php)|(.*/wp-admin/.*\.php)” but that didn’t stop APC from caching the admin section.
If your apache httpd.conf has
Include conf.d/*.conf
you can just create a new apc.conf in conf.d:
<Directory "/path/to/wordpress/wp-admin">
php_flag apc.cache_by_default Off
Same problem here. I have tried every single tweak and hack mentioned here to no avail. Much sadness.
Personnaly, I have deleted every object-cache.php inside the wp-content folder and everything is Ok.
By deleting the object-cache.php file, you will not have object and data caching but you will have PHP OpCode cached (even for wp-admin/*.php scripts) and everything will work perfectly and speedier 😉
I hope this will help, Regards.
PS : I have tried above solutions without success or without having admin optimisation !
@te-deum, this is precisely what I had to do at the end.
But that effectively means we are no longer using this plugin. 🙂
A fix would be great, especially for high traffic websites.
I can’t replicate this issue on my machine.
Ubuntu : 12.04.1 LTS
PHP : 5.5.9
APCu : 4.0.2
WordPress : 3.8.1
Can any of you guys try with the latest WP version and APCu?
You can install it via PECL: