Unless your designer modified the plugins core files, he probably used javascript to do this. If you could show me the page in question I could investigate and maybe be of more help.
Looks like the designer did it with css by manually targeting select elements with the :nth-child pseudo selector.
Look for a local.css file, these rules should be in there.
Right now, there’s really not an easier way to manage this with my plugin.
Thank you for your help. I am able to see those exact same rules when I inspect direct from the page. I can’t however locate it in my local.css file. In my style.css file these is approximately 25 lines and none of them resemble anything close to this. I browsed all files in the Editor sections within Appearance and Plugins. With your plugin, if I delete the current Owl Carousel I’m using and generate a new one would you foresee any issues starting over?
Thank you!
I don’t think that would help you much, those rules would still affect the new carousel as they target items under elements with a .owl-wrapper class, which will be present on the new one as well.
Do you have ftp access to the server? If so, you should be able to find the file in “wp-content/themes/DiviFX/css/local.css”. It might not show up in WordPress’s admin panel.