Hello @squareeye,
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Is it possible to send us a link to the page where your downloads are displayed so we can take a look?
Sadly I can’t as it’s a private Intranet with confidential information. But I can provide any technical info about the site that might help?
Hello @squareeye ,
Could you please go in admin and edit a Download and let us know if there is a notice about allowed paths displayed? If there is, please go to Network Admin > My Sites > Edit {problematic site} > DLM Downloads Path and add/enable the Path mentioned in the Download Edit screen.
Thank you @raldea89. Yes I see this message when I go to edit a download:
You’re trying to serve files from your server that are not in the enabled allowed paths. Please contact the network administrator to add or enable the path(s) for your website. If you want to learn more about this, click here
Recommended path: /www/DIRECTORY/public/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2020/09/
So I went to DLM Downloads path, and saw an existing path there which was:
(As this is a multisite.). Then I added this as a second one:
Went back to edit the download and the error message had disappeared. And we’re able to download the files again.
So thanks very much! May I ask, did something change in a new version of the plugin that required this change?
Yes, we’ve changed the way the allowed paths are defined, but the previous allowed paths should have worked with the new version without any changes. We’re going to look into this and see if we’ve missed something.
Got it thanks – we’re all set now. Much appreciated!