Uppdate info 09.09.2024.
I installed an additional wp installation and then I installed BuddyPress. And what did I get? Nothing and total chaos. What on earth is this so-called automatic setup they are bragging about? No pages were created and what pages there should be! doesn’t appear like it does with a number of other social plugins, for example. This BuddyPress is something that can only be considered “Do it yourself plugin”! Well, I just had to give up again. But now I’ve at least tested it on a clean new wp installation and it didn’t go any better than previous attempts. Waste of time, nothing more or less.
Well, by sitting all day and evening, I got buddypress to work together with another registration/login/out plugin., as buddypress didn’t have such possibilities! Had to figure it out myself, had to set up almost everything manually. No automatic with buddypress as they claim! Well, many tests before i can conclude. But simple isn’t everything, and will it work in the long run? I have to check that out. What I can say; with confidence is that buddypress is not for wp beginners but rather for slightly more experts.