SQLite Object Cache


A persistent object cache helps your site perform well. This one uses the widely available SQLite3 extension, and optionally the igbinary and APCu extensions to php. Many hosting services offer those extensions, and they are easy to install on a server you control.

What is this about?

It’s about making your site’s web server perform better. An object cache does that by reducing the workload on your MariaDB or MySQL database. This is not a page cache; these persistent objects go into a different kind of cache. These objects aren’t chunks of web pages ready for people to view in their browsers, they are data objects for use by the WordPress software.

Caches are ubiquitous in computing, and WordPress has its own caching subsystem. Caches contain short-term copies of the results of expensive database lookups or computations, and allow software to use the copy rather than repeating the expensive operation. This plugin (like other object-caching plugins) extends WordPress’s caching subsystem to save those short-term copies from page view to page view. WordPress’s cache happens to be a memoization cache.

Without a persistent object cache, every WordPress page view must use your MariaDB or MySQL database server to retrieve everything about your site. When a user requests a page, WordPress starts from scratch and loads everything it needs from your database server. Only then can it deliver content to your user. With a persistent object cache, WordPress immediately loads much of the information it needs. This lightens the load on your database server and delivers content to your users faster.

Who should use this?

If your site runs on a single web server machine, and that server provides the SQLite3 and igbinary extensions to php, this plugin will almost certainly make your site work faster. And if that server provides the APCu extension, this plugin uses it too.

Some hosting providers offer redis cache servers. If your provider offers redis, it may be a good choice. You can use it via tbe Redis Object Cache plugin. Sites using redis have one SQL database and another non-SQL storage server: redis. Other hosting providers offer memcached, which has the Memcached Object Cache plugin. And some large multipurpose cache plugins, such as the LiteSpeed Cache, also offer object caching based on one of those cache server software packages.

The cache-server approach to object caching comes into its own when you have multiple load-balanced web server machines handling your site. SQLite doesn’t work correctly in a multiple-web-server environment.

But, for single-server site configurations, SQLite, possibly assisted by APCu, performs well. And the vast majority of sites are single-server.


APCu is an in-memory storage medium. It lets php programs, like WordPress, store data in shared memory so it’s very fast to retrieve when needed. If APCu is available on your host server, you can configure this plugin to use it. It reduces the typical cache lookup time to one-fifth or less of the SQLite lookup time, which is itself a few tens of microseconds. Performance counts, especially on busy web sites.

Please look at Installation to learn how to configure this plugin to use APCu. The plugin works fast without it, and faster with it.

WP-CLI: Even if APCu is in use, caching with SQLite is necessary when your web site uses WP-CLI, because WP-CLI programs do not have acces to the APCu cache. This plugin writes all cached data both to APCu and to SQLite and makes sure the two are synchronized.


You can control this plugin via WP-CLI once you activate it. Please type this command into your shell for details.

wp help sqlite-object-cache


Thanks to Till Krüss. His Redis Object Cache plugin serves as a model for this one. And thanks to Ari Stathopoulos and Jonny Harris for reviewing this. Props to Matt Jones for finding and fixing a bug that appeared on a heavily loaded system. Thanks to Massimo Villa for testing help, and to nickchomey for a comprehensive code review. All defects are, of course, entirely the author’s responsibility.

And thanks to Jetbrains for the use of their software development tools, especially PhpStorm. It’s hard to imagine how a plugin like this one could be developed without PhpStorm’s tools for exploring epic code bases like WordPress’s.

How can I learn more about making my WordPress site more efficient?

We offer several plugins to help with your site’s database efficiency. You can read about them here.


  • Settings panel. Access it with Settings > Object Cache.
  • Performance statistics panel.


For this plugin to work for you, your server must have the SQLite3 extension to php installed.

If you have the igbinary and APCu extensions, this plugin uses them to work more efficiently. But it works without them.

Installing “SQLite Object Cache” can be done either by searching for “SQLite Object Cache” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via WordPress.org
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Or, use these WP-CLI commands to install the plugin, secure it, activate it, and set the cache size to 32MiB.

wp plugin install sqlite-object-cache
wp config set WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT $(openssl rand -base64 12)
wp plugin activate sqlite-object-cache
wp sqlite-object-cache size 32

The plugin offers a few optional settings for your wp-config.php file. Do not change them while the plugin is activated. If you change them, deactivate the plugin first, then change them, then reactivate the plugin.

  • WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_SERIALIZE. When true, this forces the plugin to use ‘s serialize() scheme to store cached data in SQLite. If this is not set, the plugin uses the more efficient igbinary scheme if it is available.
  • WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_DB_FILE. This is the SQLite file pathname. The default is …/wp-content/.ht.object_cache.sqlite. Use this if you want to place the SQLite cache file outside your document root.
  • WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_TIMEOUT. This is the SQLite timeout in milliseconds. Default: 5000. (Notice that the times shown in the Statistics tab are in microseconds if you compare them to this timeout setting.)
  • WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_JOURNAL_MODE. This is the SQLite journal mode. Default: ‘WAL’. Possible values DELETE | TRUNCATE | PERSIST | MEMORY | WAL | WAL2 | NONE. (Not all SQLite3 implementations handle WAL2.)
  • WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_APCU. If true enables cache acceleration with APCu RAM. This setting can be updated from the plugin’s Settings page.
  • WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT. Set this to a hard-to-guess random value to make your cache keys harder to guess. This setting works for other cache plugins as well.

Configuring the cache key salt

When multiple sites share the same server hardware and software, they can sometimes share the same cache data. Setting WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT to a hard-to-guess random value for each site makes it much harder for one site to get another site’s data. This works for other cache plugins too. Notice that this WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT value must be set, in your site’s wp-config.php file, before activating any cache plugin, including page caches and persistent object caches.

To set the value put a line like this in wp-config.php.

define( 'WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT', 'Random_t6xJix' );

Of course, use your own random value, not the one in this example. You can get one from your Linux command line shell with the openssl rand -base64 12. Or, if you use WP-CLI you can set the value directly with

wp config set WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT $(openssl rand -base64 12)

Configuring and Using APCu

APCu is an in-memory storage medium. If APCu is available on your host server, you can configure this plugin to use it. There is an option to enable it on the plugin’s Settings page. Or you can do it manually. Put a WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_APCU value of true into your wp-config.php file. You can use this WP-CLI command to do that.

wp config set --raw WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_APCU true

Or, you can edit your wp-config.php file to add this line.

define( 'WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_APCU', true );


Does this work with a multisite WordPress installation?

Yes. To see the Settings page, choose Settings > Object Cache from the first site, or any site, in the multisite installation.

How much faster will this make my site?

Exactly predicting each site’s speedup is not possible. Still, benchmarking results comparing it to other object caching schemes are promising. Please see this. If you run a benchmark, please let the author know by leaving a comment on that page or using the support forum.

What Cached Data Size should I use for my site?

The default setting for Cached Data Size is 16 megabytes (MiB). This plugin allows the actual cached data size to grow larger than that, and occasionally removes old — the least recently updated — data to trim back the size to the setting. Take a look at the Statistics page. If your actual cached data usage under All Groups is consistently larger than the setting, double the setting.

If you operate a large and busy site, try an initial setting of 32 MiB, then adjust it based on the growth of the actual size.

Notice that this setting controls the size of the data in the cache. That is the size shown under All Groups. The data file used by SQLite is larger than that.

What is SQLite?

SQLite is fast and efficient database software. It doesn’t require a separate server. Instead, it is built into php using the SQLite3 extension. SQLite programs don’t need to open network connections to send requests and wait for replies.

What is igbinary?

igbinary is a php extension that provides an efficient way to serialize and compress the kinds of data objects stored in caches. It, in some cases, uses less than half the storage space of the built-in php data serializer. If igbinary is available in your php configuration, this plugin uses it, unless you force it not to by setting WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_SERIALIZE to true in wp-config.php.

What is APCu?

APCu is php extension offering an in-memory storage medium. You can configure this plugin to use it to speed up cache lookups.

On my server the APCu shared memory cache is too small. How can I make it bigger?

On most operating systems the size of the APCu cache is, as installed, 32MiB. If you need to increase this size you can a line to your php.ini file mentioning the apc.shm_size configuration option. For example, the line apc.shm_size = 64M sets the size to 64MiB. Please consult your operating system or hosting provider documetation for information on how to do this.

Notice that sometimes multiple WordPress installations that run on the same server share the same APCu cache, so provide enough space for them all. And keep in mind that this plugin only uses APCu to accelerate its operations, so the consequences of setting its size too small are not great.

Does this plugin replace MariaDB or MySQL with SQLite?

No. Your MariaDB or MySQL database sql server still holds all your content. All your site’s imports, exports, backups and other database operations continue to function normally. This plugin uses SQLite simply to hold named values. For example, a value named “post|3” will hold a temporary, easy-to-retrieve cached copy of post number 3. When it needs that post, WordPress can fetch it quickly from SQLite.

Wait, what? Do I really need two different kinds of SQL database?

No, you don’t. This plugin doesn’t use SQLite as a full-fledged database server.

A persistent object cache needs some kind of storage mechanism. SQLite serves this plugin as a fast and simple key / value storage mechanism.

Some hosting providers offer scalable high-performance redis cache servers. You can use it via Redis Object Cache plugin. Sites using redis have one SQL database and another non-SQL storage scheme: redis. Other hosting providers offer memcached, which has the Memcached Object Cache.

But many hosting providers don’t offer either redis or memcached, while they do offer SQLite. This plugin enables your site to use a persistent object cache even without a separate cache server. And, because everything happens within your web server, the performance is good.

Is this plugin compatible with my page-caching plugin?

Probably. Page caching and persistent object caching are completely separate functions in WordPress. But, some multi-feature caching plugins support optional object caching using redis or memcached. If that feature is enabled in your page cache plugin, you should not use this plugin.

You can find out whether your page-cache plugin also enables persistent object caching. Look at the Drop-in section of the Plugins -> Installed Plugins page. If it mentions the drop-in called “object-cache.php” then your page cache plugin is handling persistent object caching. You should disable that feature before using this plugin.

Users of this plugin have found that it works well with WP Rocket, LiteSpeed Cache, WP Total Cache, WP Super Cache, and WP Fastest Cache. It also works with Cloudflare and other content delivery networks. The author has not learned of any incompatibilities in this area. (If you find one please start a support topic!)

Can I disable object caching for my backend dashboard or other pages or REST API operations I choose?


That’s not how object caching works. It’s different from page caching. It works at the level of individual database operations in the WordPress code, not at the level of whole pages.

Is this plugin compatible with my version of MySQL or MariaDB?

Yes. It does not require any specific database server version.

Is this persistent object cache faster than Redis or memcached?

Yes. Those cache servers require WordPress to make round-trip network requests, while this one does not. Many users have found this caching methodology to be fast.

This cache uses a file on my server HDD/SSD, while redis and memcached use RAM. Isn’t RAM faster?

RAM is indeed faster. Modern server operating systems offer extensive page caching for files, and SQLite is designed to take advantage of that, so the data needed may already be in RAM. Using a separate cache server require the web server to issue network requests and wait for responses, whereas using SQLite does not.

Why not use the site’s main MariaDB or MySql database server for the object cache?

In WordPress, as in many web frameworks, your database server is a performance bottleneck. Using some other mechanism for the object cache avoids adding to your database workload. Web servers serve pages using multiple php processes, and each process handles its own SQLite workload while updating a shared database file. That spreads the object-cache workload out over many processes rather than centralizing it.

Do I have to back up the data in SQLite?

No. It’s a cache, and everything in it is ephemeral. When WordPress cannot find what it needs in the cache, it simply recomputes it or refetches it from the database.

To avoid backing up SQLite files, tell your backup plugin to skip the files named *.sqlite, *.sqlite-wal, *.sqlite-wal2, and *.sqlite-shm.

This plugin automatically suppresses backing up your SQLite data when you use the Updraft Plus, BackWPUp, or WP STAGING plugins. The Duplicator plugin does not offer an automated way to suppress copying those files.

If you use some other backup or cloning plugin, please let the author know by creating a support topic. It may be possible for this plugin to tell that plugin to skip backing up the SQLite files.

If I already have another persistent object cache plugin, can I use this one?

No. You only need one persistent object cache plugin, and WordPress only supports one.

If I operate a scaled-up load-balanced installation, can I use this?

No. If you have more than one web server this doesn’t work correctly. If you operate at that scale, use redis or some other cache server. (If you aren’t sure whether you have a load-balanced installation, you almost certainly do not.)

Please notice that SQLite does not work correctly if you put its files on a shared network drive (via CIFS, SMB, NFS, or some other drive sharing protocol).

Can I use this with the Performance Lab plugin?

Yes, but you must activate this plugin first before you activate Performance Lab. And, you must deactivate Performance Lab before deactivating this plugin last.

The Performance Lab plugin offers some advanced and experimental ways of making your site faster. One of its features uses object-cache initialization code to start tracking performance. So there’s a required order of activation if you want both to work.

How can I use this object cache in my plugin or theme code to make it run faster?

Easy. Use transients to store your cacheable data. WordPress’s Transient API uses persistent object caching if it’s available, and the MariaDB or MySQL database when it isn’t. The Metadata API and Options API also use persistent object caching.

How does this work?

This plugin uses a WordPress drop-in to extend the functionality of the WP_Cache class. When you activate the plugin it creates the dropin file .../wp-content/object-cache.php. Upon deactivation, it removes that file and the cached data.

Where does the plugin store the cached data?

It’s in your site’s wp_content directory, in the file named .ht.object-cache.sqlite. That file’s name has the .ht. prefix to prevent your web server from allowing it to be downloaded. SQLite also sometimes uses the files named .ht.object-cache.sqlite-shm and .ht.object-cache.sqlite-wal, so you may see any of those files.

You can make the plugin put its files at some other location by putting the pathname you want in WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_DB_FILE in your wp-config.php.

On Linux and other UNIX-derived operating systems, you must give the command ls -a to see files when their names begin with a dot.

I want to store my cached data in a more secure place. How do I do that?

Putting your .sqlite files outside your site’s document root is good security practice. This is how you do it. If you define the constant WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_DB_FILE in wp_config.php the plugin uses that for sqlite’s file pathname instead. For example, if wp-config.php contains this line

define( 'WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_DB_FILE', '/tmp/mysite-object-cache.sqlite' );

your object cache data goes into the /tmp folder in a file named mysite-object-cache.sqlite.

You can also define WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT to be a hard-to-guess text string. Continuing the example, this line

define( 'WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT', 'qrstuv' );

causes your object cache data to go into the /tmp folder in a file named mysite-object-cache.qrstuv.sqlite.

Can this plugin use SQLite memory-mapped I/O?

Yes. You can use your OS’s memory map feature to access and share cache data with SQLite Memory-Mapped I/O. On some server configurations this allows multiple php processes to share cached data more quickly. In the plugin this is disabled by default. You can enable it by telling the plugin how many MiB to use for memory mapping. For example, this wp-config setting tells the plugin to use 32MiB.


Notice that using memory-mapped I/O may not help performance in the highly concurrent environment of a busy web server. That is why it is disabled by default. Notice also that this kind of memory-mapping is not the same thing as the APCu cache.

I sometimes get timeout errors from SQLite. How can I fix them?

Some sites occasionally generate error messages looking like this one:

Unable to execute statement: database is locked in /var/www/wp-content/object-cache.php:1234

This can happen if your server places your WordPress files on network-attached storage (that is, on a network drive). To solve this, store your cached data on a locally attached drive. See the question about storing your data in a more secure place. It also can happen in a very busy site.

Why do I get errors when I use WP-CLI to administer my site?

Sometimes WP-CLI commands issued from a shell run with a different user from the web server. This plugin creates one or more object-cache files. An object-cache file may not be readable or writeable by the web server if it was created by the wp-cli user. Or the other way around.

On Linux, you can run your WP-CLI shell commands like this: sudo -u www-data wp config list This ensures they run with the same user as the web server.

Does this plugin work with sites hosted on Microsoft Windows OSs with the IIS web server?

Yes. But please be aware that users have reported incompatibilities between this plugin’s use of APCu on the one hand and WinCache and OPcache on the other. If you use those caches, please deactivate this plugin before reconfiguring those cache extensions.

The Statistics display seems complex. What does it all mean?

This plugin measures individual operations such as the time to look something up in the cache. It collects those individual measurements. The Statistics display analyzes them to show the fastest and slowest operations, the average operation, and other desciptive statistics.
Please read this for more information.

Is there a joke somewhere in this?

Q: What are the two hardest things to get right in computer science?

  1. Caching things.
  2. Naming things.
  3. Coping with off-by-one errors.

Seriously, the core of WordPress has already worked out, over years of development and millions of sites, how to cache things and name them. This plugin, and the other persistent object cache plugins, simply extend that mechanism to make those things persistent.

I have another question

Please look for more questions and answers here. Or ask your question in the support forum.


February 7, 2025 3 replies
It’s something I always look for. I have a central database that supports almost 20 websites on different hosting platforms. This plugin effectively decreases the load on the database. Thank you so much. Please continue to develop it further.
January 24, 2025 4 replies
This is Pure Gold. Just install it and enjoy the show. The fast show. Oliver Jones is a genius. Just don’t listen to him when he says that you should use Redis instead, if available. I think he does it out of respect for his muse. Actually, in most cases, SQLite Object Cache outperforms Redis Object Cache. Just try yourself. Furthermore, it’s 100% portable. You know how that is convenient, especially if you tried to migrate a WP installation with Redis to another server. I think it should be part of the WP core. They still haven’t realized why. You should also check wordpress.org/plugins/index-wp-mysql-for-speed/, another hidden gem from Oliver.
March 2, 2025
update review: I’ve tried APCu opt-in, it’s even better. Wow this is really are the best. The best object cache so far. I’ve tried several object cache before this; APCu,Memcached,Redis, this is the most compatible with no errors and high hit rate in my wordpress sites. Thank you so much
August 2, 2024
Effiecient object caching for those on servers that don’t have Redis/Memcache. Keep up the good work!
Read all 35 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“SQLite Object Cache” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“SQLite Object Cache” has been translated into 3 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “SQLite Object Cache” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Handle non-persistent groups, get_multiple cache-misses, and MS-DOS line endings correctly.


  • Correct a regression in object fetching (failure to clone when needed).
  • Correct wrong display of Use APCu checkbox immediately after setting change


  • Provide APCu opt-in on the settings page.


  • Use APCu to increase performance if it is available and if WP_SQLITE_OBJECT_CACHE_APCU is defined.


  • More efficient testing for drop-in validity.
  • More accurate least-recently-updated cleanup.


  • Add WP-CLI support.
  • Make sure to close .sqlite files to avoid file-descriptor leaks in long-running processes. Props to Matt Jones.


Add some support for new SQLite WAL2 write-ahead logging.
Support WordPress 6.5.