This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Listly: Listicles For WordPress


Listly exists because the human species is drawn to numbered lists. Fact: List posts get viewed and shared more than other content. Analytics drive publishers to create 30% of content as numbered list posts. Listly makes it easy to create, maintain, and engage your readers with compelling list posts (also known as listicles in pop culture) right inside your WordPress site.


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Lists are emotional. They are easy to consume. They are fun to share!

But…authoring and keeping your numbered HTML lists updated on your blog is tedious. Especially if you want them to be visually appealing across Desktop, Tablet, and the Phone. How does Listly help?

  • Listly is embeddable. On any website, just like a YouTube video.
  • Listly is collaborative. Editable inline by you AND your audience.
  • Listly is responsive. Configures automatically based on device.
  • Listly has layouts. List, Minimal, Gallery, Magazine, Slideshow.
  • Listly is social. Engage your audience!
  • Listly is rankable. Opinion matters!
  • Listly is evolvable. Keep your content fresh!

If you use YouTube for videos and SlideShare for slide decks, you should use Listly for your lists.


  • Create and maintain your list like a pro with rich content and paying affiliate links. Add it to your post with a short code. [ How To Make A Listy List ]

  • Add Sidebar widget to your site to show specific, latest or random lists and even a List of Lists. [ How It Works ]

  • Your lists do not have to be in a single boring blog style. Listly comes with List, Gallery, Magazine, Slideshow, and Minimal layouts. You can use the right layout for the right content…and change it anytime. [ Show Me ]

  • Add voting to your lists. Your readers can add and vote on items in a list. [ How It Works ]

  • Embed Listly lists in your posts. Customize and grab the short code. [ Show Me ]

  • Let readers share the whole list or just their favorite items from a list. More sharing is good!

  • Listly is responsive without any work from you, from desktop to mobile.

  • Get great SEO. The Listly plugin caches the content right in your WordPress so you get SEO juice for your blog. As a huge bonus you get found on Listly community as well.

Lists you can make

Listly in the wild

Image Credit: Ian Muttoo via Flickr & Creative Commons


  • Your lists and other Listly lists readily available for embedding in your posts
  • Customize your embeds
  • List in default list layout
  • List in magazine layout
  • List in gallery layout (Premium)
  • List in slideshow layout (Premium)
  • List in minimal layout (Premium)
  • Customize colors and styles in Your Embed
  • List in sidebar, using sidebar widget
  • List of Lists sidebar widget


Simply search for the plugin via the plugins menu -> add new dialog and click install OR download and extract the plugin, and copy the the Listly plugin folder into your wp-content/plugins directory and activate.


Installation Instructions

Simply search for the plugin via the plugins menu -> add new dialog and click install OR download and extract the plugin, and copy the the Listly plugin folder into your wp-content/plugins directory and activate.

How do I add a Listly list to a post?
  1. Follow this instructions on our community site to get the embed code
  2. Paste your shortcode into any new or existing post or page.
  3. Preview or publish to see the list embedded on your blog
Do I need a Listly account to use this plugin?

Yes, you’ll need a Listly account and a Publisher Key to use the plugin. If you don’t already have an account you can sign up now. You can get a publisher key from here.

Is the Listly content cached on my WordPress?

Yes, Listly list content is cached on your WordPress and delivered as part of the page. This is good from both SEO and performance perspective.

More questions? Check out our community site.


September 3, 2016
I am a huge fan of and use them all the time on our three WordPress sites. This plugin makes it even easier. I would recommend checking them out for sure!
September 3, 2016 1 reply
The plugin seems nice until you install it and you have to pay after you build 3 lists $9,99- per month, and you don’t even own your lists, so you have to pay them and you give them your content so you’re stuck with them, useless, your better of building your list by hand then have some third party busines blackmail you into using their service (or else you lose your lists)
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Read all 13 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Listly: Listicles For WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Added detail error messages for AJAX requests.
  • Updated data sanitization.


  • Fixed smart quotes issue in ShortCode.


  • Added all supported list parameters for Sidebar Widget.


  • Added support to fetch all your lists for Sidebar Widget.


  • Added dynamic update of Sidebar Widget for cache enabled sites.


  • Increased number of posts to fetch to 100 for Widget.
  • Bug fixing.


  • Enhanced Listly Sidebar Widget. Sidebar widgets supports four modes to display lists posts – Random List, Latest List, Specific List, and List of Lists.


  • Added Sidebar Widget.


  • Fix for multisite network activate.


  • Support for custom colors and styling.
  • Updated settings screen.
  • New UI in editor page.


  • Performance tuning – load Listly assets (script files and styles) only on pages, posts and archives with Listly ShortCode.


  • Conditional loading of CSS & Scripts on singular pages based on ShortCode presence.


  • Updating ShortCode to pass all parameters to API.
  • Added support for Custom Post Types.


  • Added support for SSL.
  • Fixed Metabox My List display after clearing search box.


  • Fixed local cache issue.


  • Bug fixing.


  • CSS cleanup.


  • Updated ShortCode routine for local caching.


  • Switched outgoing API content type from JSON to Form Urlencode for wider server compatibility.


  • Added debug info.


  • Updated Metabox interface.
  • Added fallback link to list for embed code when there are API connection errors.
  • Added local caching of lists.


  • Added parameters to ShortCode.


  • Fixed ShortCode output issue.


  • Initial release.