Fandom: Van Leeuwenhoek University
Characters: Jimmy Whewell and Garret Schuttman
Challenge: Color
Prompt: Black
Word Count: 552
Rating: G
Summary: If only for a moment, see what I see and feel what I feel.
( Bigger than you, bigger than me.Collapse )
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:Hate Every Beautiful Day- Sugarcult
Fandom:Van Leeuwenhoek University (original)
Characters: Francisco Fonseca, Jimmy Whewell, Garret Schuttmann
Challenge: Colors
Prompt: Orange
Word Count: 607
Rating: PG 13? (language and drinking)
Summary: Alcohol is an excuse to speak your mind.
( Getcha head in the gameCollapse )
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:On Fire- Switchfoot
Fandom: Van Leeuwenhoek University (Original)
Characters: Francisco Fonseca
Challenge: Colors
Prompt: Yellow
Word Count: 169
Rating: G
Summary: Not even home for five minutes and things don't look good.
( The life you tried to leave behind.Collapse )
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:Seasons of Love- Rent
Fandom: Holly Black (post-Ironside)
Claim: General series
Characters: Kaye, Kate, Ellen, Corny.
Theme: #1 - Account.
Rating: K+
Word Count: 750ish.
Summary: An account of a few moments at the Fierch house.
( here )
Fandom: Tithe series (Valiant)
Character: Lolli
Theme: #9 - Sunshine
Rating: Same as the books.
Word Count: 207
Fandom: Tithe/Valiant.
Characters: Val, Lolli, Luis, Dave.
Challenge: Random10 Version 1
Prompt: #4 Tree
Word Count: 494
Rating: About the same as the books.
Summary: The higher you climb, the harder you fall. So where's the catch?
( )
Title: Heart of the City
Fandom: Tithe/Valiant.
Characters: Val, Lolli.
Challenge: Random10 Version 1
Prompt: #8 Shopping
Word Count: 676
Rating: About the same as the books.
Summary: Val's first subway ride, at the age of five.
( )
It's summer in two days. The contest is to pick a fandom, any fandom (original, AU, whatever you want to write) and write a 500 minimum word story about the summer time. Post it up here before June 30th, 2007 ends (wherever you are), and you win!
Good luck!
PS- There will also be other awards related to this challenge issued based on various different things, but those are a surprise. ;)
- Current Music:None
Contest coming soon, and the prize is going to be a pretty shiny thing to show off to the rest of the world. Details will be up in a week or so.
Anyone who replied to my request to affiliate, I somehow lost all my comments recently, so if your community is not on the list and it should be, please let me know.
Title: Wanderwonder
Fandom: Tithe
Characters: Kaye/Roiben
Challenge: Random10 Version 1
Prompt: #6 Soft
Word Count: 631
Rating: Safe for all~
Summary: The girl who carefully treads tightropes between worlds, no longer has to watch her steps now.
At my writing journal:
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:Wicked - For Good
Title: (Extra)ordinary
Fandom: Tithe
Characters: Kaye/Roiben
Challenge: Random10 Version 1
Prompt: #3 Chair
Word Count: 530
Rating: *shrugs* Safe for all, I guess.
Summary: See past the faery-glamour, and the layers of spells that hold it all together.
Title: Believe
Fandom: Tithe
Characters: Kaye
Challenge: Random10 Version 1
Prompt: #2 Secret
Word Count: 252
Rating: E for Everyone :)
Summary: If you believe in us, believe us.
Title: Submerge
Fandom: Tithe
Characters: Janet, Kaye
Challenge: Random10 Version 1
Prompt: #7 Freezing
Word Count: 350
Rating: If you're old enough for Tithe, you're old enough for this.
Summary: It's the dead of night, the crowd is wild, and all she sees is blue.
Title: glitterfall
Fandom: Tithe
Characters: Mostly Janet, some Kaye and some Kenny.
Challenge: Random10 Version 1
Prompt: #5 Jealousy
Word Count: 616
Rating: If you're mature enough for Tithe, you're mature enough for this.
Summary: Flash back to a little girl reaching for hands that aren't there, for words she can't find.
- Current Mood:^__^
- Current Music:Wicked - Defying Gravity
Prompt Set: random 100
Character/Pairing/General: general series
Prompt Set: 100 emotions
Claim: General Series
Prompt: 50 Noise Makers
Character/Pairing/General: Hermione.
Fandom: X-Men Movieverse
Prompt: Emotional 100
Character/Pairing/General: John Allerdyce AKA Pyro
Prompt Set: I can... make my own? XD That's what I'll be doing. My set will include ten prompts~
Character/Pairing/General: I'll only claim Azula :)
Prompt Set: Pre-Made (The Sinful 10)(Emotional 100)
Character/Pairing/General: General Series
Table Link: