Title: Finding Fandom
Author: Woodsgal
Fandom: RPS
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2424Disclaimer: I do not own any of the actors, articles or shows mentioned, no harm is meant from this fic.
Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for season 2 in general.
Summary: The internet and magazines can be dangerous things.
Author's Notes: So my first venture into RPS with a Cory/Chris and Mark/Chord fic. Usually I would feel guilty as they're real people, not characters but I couldn't resist any longer. This is a fill for an anon prompt for the
finnkurt</lj> winter fic fest where some of the cast discover the C2 fandom. Beta read by
adeina_rhyddha then double checked by a friend who creatively writes professionally even if it turned out it wasn't needed ha ha.
( Finding FandomCollapse )