With pictures, so I'll cut to spare you. (Pictures are just some of my favorites, and don't necessarily have anything to do with the narrative.)

Course, 10 minutes after they all got here they were huddled around the Kindle Fire playing Minecraft.

The ninja masks took a while to catch on, but once they did all the kids wanted them.
And the chair picture:

Of course, this is how most of them came out. LOL
*this was way more fun, and more successful than I imagined it would be. The ooze was a big hit as a favor with both the boys and the girls. I have plenty of borax and one bottle of glue left, so this will be a summer activity as well. How to located here.












I've never bothered to identify them, but we get one or two each fall. This year we have loads. I suspect because the increased rainfall led to increased insect population, ergo more spiders. That's cool with me since they give me a false sense that we could win the battle with the gigantic mosquitoes and flies.

I need a wig brush because it needs some serious styling. It's super cheap, and the bangs are super annoying, but it'll do.
Now all that's left is to buy some blue paint (I have to go downtown to the Norcostco for that, so probably next week sometime), sculpt the antennae (I've got the model magic and wire for them though), and alter the dress which is way too big for me right now.
I'm considering getting blue contacts as well, but I've never worn contacts so I dunno. We'll see. I look pretty weird with white hair and my natural coloring though.
Anyway, wigs are fun but damn it's hot under there!
"I've seen it more than a few times this month - people missing the days when LJ was a more active place. It's always nice to share interactions with like-minded folk, and I often find that reading other people's words help give insight into my own life. We are all connected, afterall!
Therefore, I am going to put forth an idea I have been brewing on for some time: The Great LJ Friends Swap! Basically, if there are two (or three, or four, or more...) active folks on your friends list - people who will participate in one anothers' journals - that you think should be connected, then why not suggest such and make the introductions between them? I would be happy to connect anyone who replies to this post with other LJ users whom I think would make a good match, and by virtue of posting this, I am requesting the same - feel free to connect me to people who you think would enjoy our interactions and sharing of ideas.
Feel free to spread this like wildfire if you so desire. The Great LJ Friends Swap has begun!"
If you are interested in being shared or being connected, comment here. Of course, I'd love some new friends of my own if you can think of them! Alternately, post a blurb about yourself in the comments so like-minded people can find you (and read the comments for the vice versa effect).
How brilliant is this idea? LJ's not dead, I've seen that with my own eyes. I just think the population has shrunk, and the groups of interconnected people have become cut off from each other. Let's reunite them and widen circles! Get those friends feeds full again!
The mashed potato salad thing would have been awesome if I'd left out the wine vinegar. I'm not a huge fan of greek yogurt and wish I'd subbed sour cream and mayo (which is what I usually use for these types of creamy salads) but that part was actually fine. The vinegar gave it a strange off taste to both of us, and we ended up throwing it out and eating some leftover coleslaw instead. (Which makes me want to cry, throwing away potatoes like that.)
Anyway, this could have been pretty good but turned out just okay.
I'm going back to Mom's this weekend so I'll actually have Friday's meal some other time. I can't even remember what it's supposed to be. I think it's the pasta thing?
Ursulav did a fantastic write up of the movie here:
She chose the venue (Movie Tavern, one of those movie theater/restaurant hybrids). I'm not a fan of seeing movies there. The food isn't all that great frankly, and it really takes me out of the movie to have people constantly walking in front of me.
On to the no spoilers review:
It was your typical action flick. Some good action scenes interspersed with campy one liners held together with a thread of a plot. The first full 1/3 of the movie is taken up by this quiet, rather slow moving introspection on Riddick's part like they were going for something deeper and more artsy than action flick.
Overall it was entertaining. The CGI and sound were absolutely fantastic. The story wasn't as compelling as the first or second and the last bit was so reminiscent of the first movie that I kept wondering if it was going to turn out they were on the same planet.
There's nothing behind the credits.
( here there be spoilersCollapse )