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The Whose Line is it Anyway Fanfiction Archive

RPF for Whose Line, Improv-a-ganza and anything else containing those players.

Rating position

Journal created:
on 20 April 2005 (#6864317)
on 22 August 2020
Whose Line is it Anyway Fanfiction Archive
Posting Access:
All Members
An RPF community about the players of Whose Line is it Anyway?, Improv-a-ganza and the like.
Welcome to the Whose Line is it Anyway? Fanfiction Archive.


WL_Fanfiction has three main goals.
  • 1. To act as an archive, not just for fiction, but for art, challenges, ideas and plot bunnies. This being the case, proper headers and tagging (explained further down) must be used at all times for ease or searching and archiving.
  • 2. To form a community of authors To this extent, commenting is key. We're all here to help each other learn and grow, to make friends and explore our own creativity, so please do your best to not only post your stories, but to leave feedback for others as well!
  • 3. To have fun! We want to share our love of Whose Line with one another, make our fellow fans laugh and cry with our works, form bonds and make friends! ^_^ So write! Read! Leave feedback of your own and let's all get to know each other through the art of fiction!

If you need a tag, please contact one of the mods, clayangel, rycolfan or sungreen70 at her livejournal.

Rules and Requirements (please take the time to read these over)

In order to provide a quick, easy, and hopefully successful search for a fic, piece of art and/or challenge, a few rules and requirements must be in place.

  • When Posting A Fic or Art Piece
    • Post behind an LJ Cut
    • Feel free to post the whole fic all at once OR in chaptered segments. Just be sure to label each chapter as to which chapter it is out of how many total chapters.
    • Identify in the subject line by title and whether it's fiction, art, a drabble, series, challenge, etc.
    • Tag the entry with pairing, author/artist, genre, series title, etc. If a tag for one of these is not available, the mod will create one for you.
    • Above the LJ Cut identify your fic by any or all of the following:
      • Title
      • Author/artist
      • Rating (G-NC17)
      • Main Character(s) and/or pairings
      • Summary
      • Word Count
      • Type of Feedback Desired (i.e. "I'm fragile, good things only," "Constructive criticism welcome," "Rip into me and tear out my heart!" etc.)

  • When Reviewing a Fic/Art
    • While we respect everyone's rights to freedom of speech, please try not to be rude in your comments. Swear up and down if you like, we could care less, but try to avoid leaving nasty flames and instead comment with constructive criticism.

    WL_Fanfiction on Tumblr: This is our weekly digest where we post a list of stories and events posted in the comm for our tumblr subscribers. It's important that you know that anything you post will be included in the digest by default. To opt out or for more information on the digest, please check this post.

    Now that you've gotten this far, please visit this community post and comment that you have, in fact read the rules. There are a few more dos and don'ts in there, but you should have the basics down. Once you've signed off, you are free to apply to be a member.

    • If you're looking to post something other than fiction or art, please check out these other Whose Line communities:

      bythewayiluvyou: A Ryan/Colin community.
      whoselineslash: Specifically for slash talk.
      wliialove: A general Whose Line community encompassing all aspects of fandom. An off-LiveJournal community encompassing all aspects of fandom.

    If you run or are a part of an active Whose Line/Improvaganza/etc. community on LiveJournal, Tumblr, Dreamwidth or anywhere else, and you'd like us to add it to this list, please let us know!

brad sherwood, brad/chip, brad/colin, brad/colin/ryan, brad/greg, brad/jeff, brad/ryan, brad/wayne, caroline quentin, chip esten, chip/brad, chip/colin, chip/drew, chip/greg, chip/jeff, chip/ryan, chip/wayne, clive anderson, clive/colin, clive/drew, clive/greg, clive/greg/ryan, clive/ryan, colin mochrie, colin/deb, colin/greg, colin/greg/jeff/ryan, colin/greg/ryan, colin/jeff, colin/ryan, colin/wayne, dan patterson, dan/mark, dan/ryan, deb/pat, deb/ryan, denny siegel, denny/greg, dliia, drew carey, drew/greg, drew/jeff, drew/mike, drew/ryan, drew/wayne, fan fiction, fanfiction, fast and loose, femslash, greg proops, greg/brad, greg/chip, greg/clive, greg/colin, greg/jeff, greg/jeff/ryan, greg/jen, greg/paul, greg/ryan, greg/steve frost, greg/tony, greg/wayne, het, improv, improv allstars, improv-a-ganza, improvaganza, improvisational comedy, jeff davis, jeff/chip, jeff/drew, jeff/greg, jeff/ryan, jeff/wayne, jim sweeney, john sessions, john/tony, jonathan mangum, jonathan/wayne, josie lawrence, josie/caroline, josie/ryan, josie/sandi, josie/tony, julie larson, karen maruyama, kathy greenwood, kathy kinney, laura hall, linda taylor, mark leveson, mike mcshane, mike/greg, pat/ryan, paul merton, paul/tony, richard/tony, ryan stiles, ryan/brad, ryan/chip, ryan/colin, ryan/greg, ryan/tony, ryan/wayne, sandi toksvig, sean masterson, slash, slash fanfiction, stephen colbert, stephen fry, steve frost, the drew carey show, the green screen show, tony slattery, trust_us_with_your_life, wayne brady, wayne/brad, wayne/chip, wayne/colin, wayne/drew, whose line, whose line slash, whose live anyway, wl, wliia, wliia slash, wliia uk, wliiauk

Rating position
