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Support Special Education while eating at CiCi's in Rockville

Our school is doing a fundraiser to support our Special Education classes and best buddies program. If you are free and like yummy all you can eat pizza, click on the link below, print the flier and come join us at CiCi's pizza in Rockville Thursday night!

Hope to see you there and thanks for your support!

WJ Alum 2003
Care to outrun Churchill for cystic fibrosis?

Page's Run is Sunday, October 14th at Churchill; registration is from 5-7 at Churchill today and all day tomorrow, or you can arrive early to register on race day.

The Official Website
The Facebook Event
x-posted to my own journal:

Recently the FDA wrote up a change in chocolate standards called Appendix C, which allows chocolate manufacturers to "use a vegetable fat in place of another vegetable fat named in the standard [e.g., cacao fat]." This would mean that a manufacturer can call something "chocolate" even if it does not have cacao butter in it!!!

Do you want your chocolate cheaply made with vegetable oil? If not, you can come and find me in the halls or in any of my classes this coming week and sign my petition, one of many petitions being circulated and delivered by chocolate purists against this lowering of chocolate standards.

(Because if you couldn't tell from my Psych Fair project on hunger motivation, my AP Statistics project on differences in eating patterns between genders, and my English research paper on Southern regional cuisine, I take food very seriously.)
>From the Baltimore Sun:

Arundel board selects Maxwell as schools chief
Montgomery Co. community superintendent replaces Smith
By Anica Butler
Sun Reporter
May 3, 2006, 4:11 PM EDT

A community superintendent in Montgomery County will be the next chief of
Anne Arundel County public schools, the Board of Education announced this

Kevin Maxwell, 54, currently oversees 39 schools and about 27,000 students
and has been an educator for 25 years.

"I feel very honored to have this opportunity to serve as superintendent of
schools in Anne Arundel County," Maxwell said.

Last week, the board interviewed Maxwell and two other candidates: Robert E.
Schiller, retired state schools superintendent of Illinois, and Dana Bedden,
superintendent of William Penn District in Pennsylvania.

"After an exhaustive superintendent search process, extensive input from
stakeholders including teachers, principals, parents, and the community, the
board has determined that Dr. Kevin Maxwell is the best choice to lead the
Anne Arundel County public school system," said board Vice President Tricia
Johnson, who served as chair of the superintendent selection committee.

Maxwell will start July 1, replacing Eric J. Smith, who resigned as head of
the 74,000-student district in November. Nancy Mann has held the job in the

The board and Maxwell have yet to negotiate a contract. Advertisements for
the position listed the minimum salary as $200,000.
Seniors: The Pitch is compiling information for our annual Senior Scatter. Tell us where you're going to school, or whatever else you may be doing next year, by emailing us at [email protected]. Please include your name and the full name of the school (abbreviations are annoying). A comment on this post does not count as a submission of information and will be discarded.
Anyone have details on this? This email was titled "open letter" so I am reposting it here, as it concerns the WJ community.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Walter Johnson] Open Letter to WJ
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:03:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Peggy Souza <[email protected]>
To: PTSA Mailing List <[email protected]>

Dr. Garran and WJ Community,

It has come to my attention that Gene Krauss has been asked to leave Walter Johnson High School, as his service as an educator is no longer needed.
As a parent of a student, a special needs student, I must ask why a teacher that is a dedicated and committed professional has been asked to leave. What is going on?

Mr. Krauss embodies the ideal of a teacher. He spends his own time, at lunch and after school, to help any student that needs extra attention. He communicates as an educational partner with the parents, and inspires his students by bringing an understanding to the discipline of learning guitar. This is not simply a music class that is an extra line item in the budget, this is a classroom where students learn to excel with hard work.

My son's experience at WJ has not always been the most positive one. He is often isolated in mainstream classes, has learned to accept failure as the norm, and is quite accustomed to teachers simply giving up on him because he is not an easy student to teach. Gene Krauss has fueled my son's ambition, inspiring him to practice every night without being asked, and to look forward to Guitar Night as an opportunity to demonstrate how his hard work has paid off.

To lose Mr. Krauss is a loss that should not be acceptable to the Walter Johnson administration. Good teachers are difficult to find and keep...don't let this one get away.


Peggy Souza

All Montgomery County Public Schools are scheduled to open on time on Tuesday, February 14, 2006.
EMERGENCY MESSAGE: 2/11/2006 at 8:08 PM
Montgomery County Public Schools are closed tomorrow, Monday, February 13, due to emergency weather conditions. All school and community activities in school buildings also are canceled. All administrative offices are open.

^coppied off the MCPS website

I'm very proud of you guys for representing us.

Mr Healy came around yesterday and talked to all of Mr. Baxter's classes:

He officially announced that Mr Baxter has [brain] cancer, and will be on medical leave at least until the next year.  He didn't disclose any other details, though some of us know more than others.  I personally will not say anything else on such.

In the meanwhile Ms Parker and Mr Gates with be the rotating substitutes for his classes.

If you have any notes/cards you want to send to him, Mr Healy and Ms Parker said they would make sure he would recieve them if you gave them to them.

Please put the Imperial One in your hopes and in your prayers.
